Source code for larpix.larpix

A module to control the LArPix chip.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import time
from bitarray import bitarray
import larpix.bitarrayhelper as bah
import json
import os
import errno
import re
import platform
import math

import larpix.configs as configs

[docs]class Chip(object): ''' Represents one LArPix chip and helps with configuration and packet generation. ''' num_channels = 32 def __init__(self, chip_id, io_chain): self.chip_id = chip_id self.io_chain = io_chain self.data_to_send = [] self.config = Configuration() self.reads = [] self.new_reads_index = 0 def __str__(self): return 'Chip (id: %d, chain: %d)' % (self.chip_id, self.io_chain) def __repr__(self): return 'Chip(%d, %d)' % (self.chip_id, self.io_chain)
[docs] def get_configuration_packets(self, packet_type, registers=None): if registers is None: registers = range(Configuration.num_registers) conf = self.config packets = [] packet_register_data = conf.all_data() for i, data in enumerate(packet_register_data): if i not in registers: continue packet = Packet() packet.packet_type = packet_type packet.chipid = self.chip_id packet.register_address = i if packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET: packet.register_data = data else: packet.register_data = 0 packet.assign_parity() packets.append(packet) return packets
[docs] def sync_configuration(self, index=-1): ''' Adjust self.config to match whatever config read packets are in self.reads[index]. Defaults to the most recently read PacketCollection. Later packets in the list will overwrite earlier packets. The ``index`` parameter could be a slice. ''' updates = {} if isinstance(index, slice): for collection in self.reads[index]: for packet in collection: if packet.packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: updates[packet.register_address] = packet.register_data else: for packet in self.reads[index]: if packet.packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: updates[packet.register_address] = packet.register_data self.config.from_dict_registers(updates)
[docs] def export_reads(self, only_new_reads=True): ''' Return a dict of the packets this Chip has received. If ``only_new_reads`` is ``True`` (default), then only the packets since the last time this method was called will be in the dict. Otherwise, all of the packets stored in ``self.reads`` will be in the dict. ''' data = {} data['chipid'] = self.chip_id data['io_chain'] = self.io_chain if only_new_reads: packets = self.reads[self.new_reads_index:] else: packets = self.reads data['packets'] = list(map(lambda x:x.export(), packets)) self.new_reads_index = len(self.reads) return data
[docs]class Smart_List(list): #vb def __init__(self, values, low, high): if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == Smart_List): raise ValueError("Smart_List is not list") if any([value > high or value < low for value in values]): raise ValueError("value out of bounds") list.__init__(self, values) self.low = low self.high = high def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, int): if value > self.high or value < self.low: raise ValueError("value out of bounds") list.__setitem__(self, key, value) else: for num in value: if num > self.high or num < self.low: raise ValueError("value out of bounds") list.__setitem__(self, key, value)
[docs]class Configuration(object): ''' Represents the desired configuration state of a LArPix chip. ''' fpga_packet_size = 10 num_registers = 63 pixel_trim_threshold_addresses = list(range(0, 32)) global_threshold_address = 32 csa_gain_and_bypasses_address = 33 csa_bypass_select_addresses = list(range(34, 38)) csa_monitor_select_addresses = list(range(38, 42)) csa_testpulse_enable_addresses = list(range(42, 46)) csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_address = 46 test_mode_xtrig_reset_diag_address = 47 sample_cycles_address = 48 test_burst_length_addresses = [49, 50] adc_burst_length_address = 51 channel_mask_addresses = list(range(52, 56)) external_trigger_mask_addresses = list(range(56, 60)) reset_cycles_addresses = [60, 61, 62] register_names = ['pixel_trim_thresholds', 'global_threshold', 'csa_gain', 'csa_bypass', 'internal_bypass', 'csa_bypass_select', 'csa_monitor_select', 'csa_testpulse_enable', 'csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude', 'test_mode', 'cross_trigger_mode', 'periodic_reset', 'fifo_diagnostic', 'sample_cycles', 'test_burst_length', 'adc_burst_length', 'channel_mask', 'external_trigger_mask', 'reset_cycles'] TEST_OFF = 0x0 TEST_UART = 0x1 TEST_FIFO = 0x2 def __init__(self): # Actual setup self.load('default.json') # Annoying things we have to do because the configuration # register follows complex semantics: # The following dicts/lists specify how to translate a register # address into a sensible update to the Configuration object. # Simple registers are just the value stored in the register. self._simple_registers = { 32: 'global_threshold', 46: 'csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude', 48: 'sample_cycles', 51: 'adc_burst_length', } # These registers need the attribute extracted from the register # data. self._complex_modify_data = { 33: [('csa_gain', lambda data:data % 2), ('csa_bypass', lambda data:(data//2) % 2), ('internal_bypass', lambda data:(data//8) % 2)], 47: [('test_mode', lambda data:data % 4), ('cross_trigger_mode', lambda data:(data//4) % 2), ('periodic_reset', lambda data:(data//8) % 2), ('fifo_diagnostic', lambda data:(data//16) % 2)] } # These registers combine the register data with the existing # attribute value to get the new attribute value. self._complex_modify_attr = { 49: ('test_burst_length', lambda val,data:(val//256)*256+data), 50: ('test_burst_length', lambda val,data:(val%256)+data*256), 60: ('reset_cycles', lambda val,data:(val//256)*256+data), 61: ('reset_cycles', lambda val,data:(val//0x10000)*0x10000+data*256+val%256), 62: ('reset_cycles', lambda val,data:(val%0x10000)+data*0x10000) } # These registers store 32 bits over 4 registers each, and those # 32 bits correspond to entries in a 32-entry list. self._complex_array_spec = [ (range(34, 38), 'csa_bypass_select'), (range(38, 42), 'csa_monitor_select'), (range(42, 46), 'csa_testpulse_enable'), (range(52, 56), 'channel_mask'), (range(56, 60), 'external_trigger_mask')] self._complex_array = {} for addresses, label in self._complex_array_spec: for i, address in enumerate(addresses): self._complex_array[address] = (label, i) # These registers each correspond to an entry in an array self._trim_registers = list(range(32)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): ''' Default setattr behavior occurs if name is in ``register_names``, is "private" or is a known attribute Otherwise raises an attribute error ''' if not (name in self.register_names or name[0] == '_' or hasattr(self, name)): raise AttributeError('%s is not a known register' % name) return super(Configuration, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __eq__(self, other): ''' Returns true if all fields match ''' return all([getattr(self, register_name) == getattr(other, register_name) for register_name in self.register_names]) def __str__(self): ''' Converts configuration to a nicely formatted json string ''' d = self.to_dict() l = ['\"{}\": {}'.format(key,value) for key,value in d.items()] return '{\n ' + ',\n '.join(l) + '\n}'
[docs] def compare(self, config): ''' Returns a dict containing pairs of each differently valued register Pair order is (self, other) ''' d = {} for register_name in self.register_names: if getattr(self, register_name) != getattr(config, register_name): d[register_name] = (getattr(self, register_name), getattr(config, register_name)) # Attempt to simplify some of the long values (array values) for (name, (self_value, config_value)) in d.items(): if (name in (label for _, label in self._complex_array_spec) or name == 'pixel_trim_thresholds'): different_values = [] for ch, (val, config_val) in enumerate(zip(self_value, config_value)): if val != config_val: different_values.append(({'channel': ch, 'value': val}, {'channel': ch, 'value': config_val})) if len(different_values) < 5: d[name] = different_values else: pass return d
[docs] def get_nondefault_registers(self): return
@property def pixel_trim_thresholds(self): return self._pixel_trim_thresholds @pixel_trim_thresholds.setter def pixel_trim_thresholds(self, values): low = 0 high = 31 if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == Smart_List): raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold is not int") if any(value > high or value < low for value in values): raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold out of bounds") self._pixel_trim_thresholds = Smart_List(values, low, high) @property def global_threshold(self): return self._global_threshold @global_threshold.setter def global_threshold(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("global_threshold is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("global_threshold out of bounds") self._global_threshold = value @property def csa_gain(self): return self._csa_gain @csa_gain.setter def csa_gain(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("csa_gain is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("csa_gain out of bounds") self._csa_gain = value @property def csa_bypass(self): return self._csa_bypass @csa_bypass.setter def csa_bypass(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("csa_bypass is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("csa_bypass out of bounds") self._csa_bypass = value @property def internal_bypass(self): return self._internal_bypass @internal_bypass.setter def internal_bypass(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("internal_bypass is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("internal_bypass out of bounds") self._internal_bypass = value @property def csa_bypass_select(self): return self._csa_bypass_select @csa_bypass_select.setter def csa_bypass_select(self, values): low = 0 high = 1 if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == Smart_List): raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select is not int") if any(value > high or value < low for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select out of bounds") self._csa_bypass_select = Smart_List(values, low, high) @property def csa_monitor_select(self): return self._csa_monitor_select @csa_monitor_select.setter def csa_monitor_select(self, values): low = 0 high = 1 if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == Smart_List): raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select is not int") if any(value > high or value < low for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select out of bounds") self._csa_monitor_select = Smart_List(values, low, high) @property def csa_testpulse_enable(self): return self._csa_testpulse_enable @csa_testpulse_enable.setter def csa_testpulse_enable(self, values): if not type(values) == list: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable is not int") if any(value > 1 or value < 0 for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable out of bounds") self._csa_testpulse_enable = values @property def csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude(self): return self._csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude @csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude.setter def csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude out of bounds") self._csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude = value @property def test_mode(self): return self._test_mode @test_mode.setter def test_mode(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("test_mode is not int") valid_values = [Configuration.TEST_OFF, Configuration.TEST_UART, Configuration.TEST_FIFO] if not value in valid_values: raise ValueError("test_mode is not valid") self._test_mode = value @property def cross_trigger_mode(self): return self._cross_trigger_mode @cross_trigger_mode.setter def cross_trigger_mode(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("cross_trigger_mode is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("cross_trigger_mode out of bounds") self._cross_trigger_mode = value @property def periodic_reset(self): return self._periodic_reset @periodic_reset.setter def periodic_reset(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("periodic_reset is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("periodic_reset out of bounds") self._periodic_reset = value @property def fifo_diagnostic(self): return self._fifo_diagnostic @fifo_diagnostic.setter def fifo_diagnostic(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("fifo_diagnostic is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("fifo_diagnostic out of bounds") self._fifo_diagnostic = value @property def sample_cycles(self): return self._sample_cycles @sample_cycles.setter def sample_cycles(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("sample_cycles is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("sample_cycles out of bounds") self._sample_cycles = value @property def test_burst_length(self): return self._test_burst_length @test_burst_length.setter def test_burst_length(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("test_burst_length is not int") if value > 65535 or value < 0: raise ValueError("test_burst_length out of bounds") self._test_burst_length = value @property def adc_burst_length(self): return self._adc_burst_length @adc_burst_length.setter def adc_burst_length(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("adc_burst_length is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("adc_burst_length out of bounds") self._adc_burst_length = value @property def channel_mask(self): return self._channel_mask @channel_mask.setter def channel_mask(self, values): if not type(values) == list: raise ValueError("channel_mask is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("channel_mask length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("channel_mask is not int") if any(value > 1 or value < 0 for value in values): raise ValueError("channel_mask out of bounds") self._channel_mask = values @property def external_trigger_mask(self): return self._external_trigger_mask @external_trigger_mask.setter def external_trigger_mask(self, values): if not type(values) == list: raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask is not int") if any(value > 1 or value < 0 for value in values): raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask out of bounds") self._external_trigger_mask = values @property def reset_cycles(self): return self._reset_cycles @reset_cycles.setter def reset_cycles(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("reset_cycles is not int") if value > 16777215 or value < 0: raise ValueError("reset_cycles out of bounds") self._reset_cycles = value
[docs] def enable_channels(self, list_of_channels=None): if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.channel_mask[channel] = 0
[docs] def disable_channels(self, list_of_channels=None): if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.channel_mask[channel] = 1
[docs] def enable_normal_operation(self): #TODO Ask Dan what this means # Load configuration for a normal physics run pass
[docs] def enable_external_trigger(self, list_of_channels=None): if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.external_trigger_mask[channel] = 0
[docs] def disable_external_trigger(self, list_of_channels=None): if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.external_trigger_mask[channel] = 1
[docs] def enable_testpulse(self, list_of_channels=None): if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.csa_testpulse_enable[channel] = 0
[docs] def disable_testpulse(self, list_of_channels=None): if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.csa_testpulse_enable[channel] = 1
[docs] def enable_analog_monitor(self, channel): self.csa_monitor_select[channel] = 1
[docs] def disable_analog_monitor(self): self.csa_monitor_select = [0] * Chip.num_channels
[docs] def all_data(self): bits = [] num_channels = Chip.num_channels for channel in range(num_channels): bits.append(self.trim_threshold_data(channel)) bits.append(self.global_threshold_data()) bits.append(self.csa_gain_and_bypasses_data()) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.csa_bypass_select_data(chunk)) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.csa_monitor_select_data(chunk)) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.csa_testpulse_enable_data(chunk)) bits.append(self.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_data()) bits.append(self.test_mode_xtrig_reset_diag_data()) bits.append(self.sample_cycles_data()) bits.append(self.test_burst_length_data(0)) bits.append(self.test_burst_length_data(1)) bits.append(self.adc_burst_length_data()) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.channel_mask_data(chunk)) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.external_trigger_mask_data(chunk)) bits.append(self.reset_cycles_data(0)) bits.append(self.reset_cycles_data(1)) bits.append(self.reset_cycles_data(2)) return bits
[docs] def trim_threshold_data(self, channel): return bah.fromuint(self.pixel_trim_thresholds[channel], 8)
[docs] def global_threshold_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.global_threshold, 8)
[docs] def csa_gain_and_bypasses_data(self): return bitarray('0000') + [self.internal_bypass, 0, self.csa_bypass, self.csa_gain]
[docs] def csa_bypass_select_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.csa_bypass_select[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.csa_bypass_select[high_bit:low_bit:-1])
[docs] def csa_monitor_select_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.csa_monitor_select[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.csa_monitor_select[high_bit:low_bit:-1])
[docs] def csa_testpulse_enable_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.csa_testpulse_enable[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.csa_testpulse_enable[high_bit:low_bit:-1])
[docs] def csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude, 8)
[docs] def test_mode_xtrig_reset_diag_data(self): toReturn = bitarray([0, 0, 0, self.fifo_diagnostic, self.periodic_reset, self.cross_trigger_mode]) toReturn.extend(bah.fromuint(self.test_mode, 2)) return toReturn
[docs] def sample_cycles_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.sample_cycles, 8)
[docs] def test_burst_length_data(self, chunk): bits = bah.fromuint(self.test_burst_length, 16) if chunk == 0: return bits[8:] elif chunk == 1: return bits[:8]
[docs] def adc_burst_length_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.adc_burst_length, 8)
[docs] def channel_mask_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.channel_mask[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.channel_mask[high_bit:low_bit:-1])
[docs] def external_trigger_mask_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.external_trigger_mask[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.external_trigger_mask[high_bit:low_bit:-1])
[docs] def reset_cycles_data(self, chunk): bits = bah.fromuint(self.reset_cycles, 24) if chunk == 0: return bits[16:] elif chunk == 1: return bits[8:16] elif chunk == 2: return bits[:8]
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = {} for register_name in self.register_names: d[register_name] = getattr(self, register_name) return d
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): for register_name in self.register_names: if register_name in d: setattr(self, register_name, d[register_name])
[docs] def from_dict_registers(self, d): ''' Load in the configuration specified by a dict of (register, value) pairs. ''' def bits_to_array(data): bits = bah.fromuint(data, 8) return [int(bit) for bit in bits][::-1] for address, value in d.items(): if address in self._simple_registers: setattr(self, self._simple_registers[address], value) elif address in self._complex_modify_data: attributes = self._complex_modify_data[address] for name, extract in attributes: setattr(self, name, extract(value)) elif address in self._complex_modify_attr: name, combine = self._complex_modify_attr[address] current_value = getattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, combine(current_value, value)) elif address in self._complex_array: name, index = self._complex_array[address] affected = slice(index*8, (index+1)*8) attr_list = getattr(self, name) attr_list[affected] = bits_to_array(value) elif address in self._trim_registers: self.pixel_trim_thresholds[address] = value return #phew
[docs] def write(self, filename, force=False, append=False): if os.path.isfile(filename): if not force: raise IOError(errno.EEXIST, 'File %s exists. Use force=True to overwrite' % filename) with open(filename, 'w+') as outfile: outfile.write(str(self)) return 0
[docs] def load(self, filename): data = configs.load(filename) self.from_dict(data)
[docs]class Controller(object): ''' Controls a collection of LArPix Chip objects. Properties and attributes: - ``chips``: the ``Chip`` objects that the controller controls - ``all_chip``: all possible ``Chip`` objects (considering there are a finite number of chip IDs), initialized on object construction - ``port``: the path to the serial port, i.e. "/dev/(whatever)" (default: ``None`` [will attempt to auto-find correct port]) - ``timeout``: the timeout used for serial commands, in seconds. This can be changed between calls to the read and write commands. (default: ``1``) - ``reads``: list of all the PacketCollections that have been sent back to this controller. PacketCollections are created by ``run``, ``write_configuration``, and ``read_configuration``, but not by any of the ``serial_*`` methods. - ``use_all_chips``: if ``True``, look up chip objects in ``self.all_chips``, else look up in ``self.chips`` (default: ``False``) ''' start_byte = b'\x73' stop_byte = b'\x71' def __init__(self, port=None, timeout=1): self.chips = [] self.all_chips = self._init_chips() self.use_all_chips = False self.reads = [] self.nreads = 0 self.port = port if self.port is None: self.port = SerialPort.guess_port() self.baudrate = 1000000 self.timeout = timeout self.max_write = 250 self._test_mode = False self._serial = SerialPort(port=self.port, baudrate=self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout) def _init_chips(self, nchips = 256, iochain = 0): ''' Return all possible chips. ''' return [Chip(i, iochain) for i in range(256)]
[docs] def get_chip(self, chip_id, io_chain): if self.use_all_chips: chip_list = self.all_chips else: chip_list = self.chips for chip in chip_list: if chip.chip_id == chip_id and chip.io_chain == io_chain: return chip raise ValueError('Could not find chip (%d, %d) (using all_chips' '? %s)' % (chip_id, io_chain, self.use_all_chips))
#def serial_flush(self): # with self._serial(self.port, baudrate=self.baudrate, # timeout=self.timeout) as serial: # serial.reset_output_buffer() # serial.reset_input_buffer()
[docs] def serial_close(self): if not self._serial is None: self._serial.close() return
[docs] def serial_read(self, timelimit): data_in = b'' start = time.time() close_port = False if not self._serial._keep_open: close_port = True self._serial._keep_open = True try: while time.time() - start < timelimit: stream = if len(stream) > 0: data_in += stream except Exception as e: if getattr(self, '_read_tries_left', None) is None: self._read_tries_left = 3 self.serial_read(timelimit) elif self._read_tries_left > 0: self._read_tries_left -= 1 self.serial_read(timelimit) else: del self._read_tries_left raise if close_port: self.serial_close() self._serial._keep_open = False return data_in
[docs] def serial_write(self, bytestreams): for bytestream in bytestreams: self._serial.write(bytestream)
[docs] def serial_write_read(self, bytestreams, timelimit): data_in = b'' close_port = False if not self._serial._keep_open: close_port = True self._serial._keep_open = True start = time.time() # First do a fast write-read loop until everything is # written out, then just read self._serial.timeout = 0 # Return whatever's already waiting for bytestream in bytestreams: self._serial.write(bytestream) stream = if len(stream) > 0: data_in += stream self._serial.timeout = self.timeout while time.time() - start < timelimit: stream = if len(stream) > 0: data_in += stream if close_port: self.serial_close() self._serial._keep_open = False return data_in
[docs] def write_configuration(self, chip, registers=None, write_read=0, message=None): if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass if message is None: message = 'configuration write' else: message = 'configuration write: ' + message bytestreams = self.get_configuration_bytestreams(chip, Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET, registers) if write_read == 0: self.serial_write(bytestreams) else: miso_bytestream = self.serial_write_read(bytestreams, timelimit=write_read) packets = self.parse_input(miso_bytestream) self.store_packets(packets, miso_bytestream, message)
[docs] def read_configuration(self, chip, registers=None, timeout=1, message=None): if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass if message is None: message = 'configuration read' else: message = 'configuration read: ' + message bytestreams = self.get_configuration_bytestreams(chip, Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET, registers) data = self.serial_write_read(bytestreams, timeout) packets = self.parse_input(data) self.store_packets(packets, data, message)
[docs] def multi_write_configuration(self, chip_reg_pairs, write_read=0, message=None): ''' Send multiple write configuration commands at once. ``chip_reg_pairs`` should be a list/iterable whose elements are an valid arguments to ``Controller.write_configuration``, excluding the ``write_read`` argument. Just like in the single ``Controller.write_configuration``, setting ``write_read > 0`` will have the controller read data during and after it writes, for however many seconds are specified. Examples: These first 2 are equivalent and write the full configurations >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([chip1, chip2, ...]) >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([(chip1, None), chip2, ...]) These 2 write the specified registers for the specified chips in the specified order >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([(chip1, 1), (chip2, 2), ...]) >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([(chip1, range(10)), chip2, ...]) ''' if message is None: message = 'multi configuration write' else: message = 'multi configuration write: ' + message final_bytestream = [] for chip_reg_pair in chip_reg_pairs: if isinstance(chip_reg_pair, Chip): chip_reg_pair = (chip_reg_pair, None) chip, registers = chip_reg_pair if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass bytestreams = self.get_configuration_bytestreams(chip, Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET, registers) final_bytestream += bytestreams final_bytestream = self.format_bytestream(final_bytestream) if write_read == 0: self.serial_write(final_bytestream) else: miso_bytestream = self.serial_write_read(final_bytestream, timelimit=write_read) packets = self.parse_input(miso_bytestream) self.store_packets(packets, miso_bytestream, message)
[docs] def multi_read_configuration(self, chip_reg_pairs, timeout=1, message=None): ''' Send multiple read configuration commands at once. ``chip_reg_pairs`` should be a list/iterable whose elements are Chip objects (to read entire configuration) or (chip, registers) tuples to read only the specified register(s). Registers could be ``None`` (i.e. all), an ``int`` for that register only, or an iterable of ``int``s. Examples: These first 2 are equivalent and read the full configurations >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([chip1, chip2, ...]) >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([(chip1, None), chip2, ...]) These 2 read the specified registers for the specified chips in the specified order >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([(chip1, 1), (chip2, 2), ...]) >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([(chip1, range(10)), chip2, ...]) ''' if message is None: message = 'multi configuration read' else: message = 'multi configuration read: ' + message final_bytestream = [] for chip_reg_pair in chip_reg_pairs: if isinstance(chip_reg_pair, Chip): chip_reg_pair = (chip_reg_pair, None) chip, registers = chip_reg_pair if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass bytestreams = self.get_configuration_bytestreams(chip, Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET, registers) final_bytestream += bytestreams mosi_bytestream = self.format_bytestream(final_bytestream) miso_bytestream = self.serial_write_read(mosi_bytestream, timelimit=timeout) packets = self.parse_input(miso_bytestream) self.store_packets(packets, miso_bytestream, message)
[docs] def get_configuration_bytestreams(self, chip, packet_type, registers): # The configuration must be sent one register at a time configuration_packets = \ chip.get_configuration_packets(packet_type, registers); formatted_packets = [self.format_UART(chip, p) for p in configuration_packets] bytestreams = self.format_bytestream(formatted_packets) return bytestreams
[docs] def run(self, timelimit, message): data = self.serial_read(timelimit) packets = self.parse_input(data) self.store_packets(packets, data, message)
[docs] def run_testpulse(self, list_of_channels): return
[docs] def run_fifo_test(self): return
[docs] def run_analog_monitor_test(self): return
[docs] def verify_configuration(self, chip_id=None, io_chain=0): ''' Read chip configuration from specified chip and return a bool that is True if the read chip configuration matches the current configuration stored in chip instance Also returns a dict containing the values of registers that are different (read register, stored register) ''' return_value = True different_fields = {} if chip_id is None: for chip in self.chips: match, chip_fields = self.verify_configuration(chip_id=chip.chip_id, io_chain=io_chain) if not match: different_fields[chip.chip_id] = chip_fields return_value = False else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) self.read_configuration(chip,timeout=0.1) configuration_data = {} for packet in self.reads[-1]: if (packet.packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET and packet.chipid == chip_id): configuration_data[packet.register_address] = packet.register_data chip_configuration = Configuration() chip_configuration.from_dict_registers(configuration_data) if not chip_configuration == chip.config: return_value = False different_fields = return (return_value, different_fields)
[docs] def read_channel_pedestal(self, chip_id, channel, io_chain=0, run_time=0.1): ''' Set channel threshold to 0 and report back on the recieved adcs from channel Returns mean, rms, and packet collection ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) # Store previous state prev_channel_mask = chip.config.channel_mask prev_global_threshold = chip.config.global_threshold prev_pixel_trim_thresholds = chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds # Set new configuration self.disable(chip_id=chip_id) self.enable(chip_id=chip_id, channel_list=[channel]) chip.config.global_threshold = 0 chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds = [31]*32 chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds[channel] = 0 self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses + Configuration.pixel_trim_threshold_addresses + [Configuration.global_threshold_address]),'clear buffer') # Collect data,'read_channel_pedestal_c%d_ch%d' % (chip_id, channel)) self.disable(chip_id=chip_id) adcs = self.reads[-2].extract('adc_counts', chipid=chip_id, channel=channel) mean = 0 rms = 0 if len(adcs) > 0: mean = float(sum(adcs)) / len(adcs) rms = math.sqrt(float(sum([adc**2 for adc in adcs]))/len(adcs) - mean**2) else: print('No packets received from chip %d, channel %d' % (chip_id, channel)) # Restore previous state chip.config.channel_mask = prev_channel_mask chip.config.global_threshold = prev_global_threshold chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds = prev_pixel_trim_thresholds self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses + Configuration.pixel_trim_threshold_addresses + [Configuration.global_threshold_address]),'clear buffer') return (adcs, mean, rms)
[docs] def enable_analog_monitor(self, chip_id, channel, io_chain=0): ''' Enable the analog monitor on a single channel on the specified chip. Note: If monitoring a different chip, call disable_analog_monitor first to ensure that the monitor to that chip is disconnected. ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.config.disable_analog_monitor() chip.config.enable_analog_monitor(channel) self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.csa_monitor_select_addresses) return
[docs] def disable_analog_monitor(self, chip_id=None, channel=None, io_chain=0): ''' Disable the analog monitor for a specified chip and channel, if none are specified disable the analog monitor for all chips in self.chips and all channels ''' if chip_id is None: for chip in self.chips: self.disable_analog_monitor(chip_id=chip.chip_id, channel=channel, io_chain=io_chain) elif channel is None: for channel in range(32): self.disable_analog_monitor(chip_id=chip_id, channel=channel, io_chain=io_chain) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.config.disable_analog_monitor() self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.csa_monitor_select_addresses) return
[docs] def enable_testpulse(self, chip_id, channel_list, io_chain=0, start_dac=255): ''' Prepare chip for pulsing - enable testpulser and set a starting dac value for specified chip/channel ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.config.disable_testpulse() chip.config.enable_testpulse(channel_list) chip.config.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude = start_dac self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.csa_testpulse_enable_addresses + [Configuration.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_address]) return
[docs] def issue_testpulse(self, chip_id, pulse_dac, min_dac=0, io_chain=0): ''' Reduce the testpulser dac by pulse_dac and write_read to chip for 0.1s ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.config.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude -= pulse_dac if chip.config.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude < min_dac: raise ValueError('Minimum DAC exceeded') self.write_configuration(chip, [Configuration.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_address], write_read=0.1) return self.reads[-1]
[docs] def disable_testpulse(self, chip_id=None, channel_list=range(32), io_chain=0): ''' Disable testpulser for specified chip/channels. If none specified, disable for all chips/channels ''' if chip_id is None: for chip in self.chips: self.disable_testpulse(chip_id=chip.chip_id, channel_list=channel_list, io_chain=io_chain) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.config.disable_testpulse(channel_list) self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.csa_testpulse_enable_addresses) return
[docs] def disable(self, chip_id=None, channel_list=range(32), io_chain=0): ''' Update channel mask to disable specified chips/channels. If none specified, disable all chips/channels ''' if chip_id is None: for chip in self.chips: self.disable(chip_id=chip.chip_id, channel_list=channel_list, io_chain=io_chain) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.config.disable_channels(channel_list) self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses)
[docs] def enable(self, chip_id=None, channel_list=range(32), io_chain=0): ''' Update channel mask to enable specified chips/channels. If none specified, enable all chips/channels ''' if chip_id is None: for chip in self.chips: self.enable(chip_id=chip.chip_id, channel_list=channel_list, io_chain=io_chain) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.config.enable_channels(channel_list) self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses)
[docs] def format_UART(self, chip, packet): packet_bytes = packet.bytes() daisy_chain_byte = bah.fromuint(chip.io_chain, 8).tobytes() formatted_packet = (Controller.start_byte + packet_bytes + daisy_chain_byte + Controller.stop_byte) return formatted_packet
[docs] @classmethod def parse_input(cls, bytestream): packet_size = Configuration.fpga_packet_size #vb start_byte = Controller.start_byte[0] stop_byte = Controller.stop_byte[0] metadata_byte_index = 8 data_bytes = slice(1,8) # parse the bytestream into Packets + metadata byte_packets = [] skip_slices = [] #current_stream = bytestream bytestream_len = len(bytestream) last_possible_start = bytestream_len - packet_size index = 0 while index <= last_possible_start: if (bytestream[index] == start_byte and bytestream[index+packet_size-1] == stop_byte): ''' metadata = current_stream[metadata_byte_index] # This is necessary because of differences between # Python 2 and Python 3 if isinstance(metadata, int): # Python 3 code = 'uint:8=' elif isinstance(metadata, str): # Python 2 code = 'bytes:1=' byte_packets.append((Bits(code + str(metadata)), Packet(current_stream[data_bytes]))) ''' byte_packets.append(Packet(bytestream[index+1:index+8])) #current_stream = current_stream[packet_size:] index += packet_size else: # Throw out everything between here and the next start byte. # Note: start searching after byte 0 in case it's # already a start byte index = bytestream.find(start_byte, index+1) if index == -1: index = bytestream_len #if next_start_index != 0: # print('Warning: %d extra bytes in data stream!' % # (next_start_index+1)) #current_stream = current_stream[1:][next_start_index:] #if len(current_stream) != 0: # print('Warning: %d extra bytes at end of data stream!' % # len(current_stream)) return byte_packets
[docs] def store_packets(self, packets, data, message): ''' Store the packets in ``self`` and in ``self.chips`` ''' new_packets = PacketCollection(packets, data, message) new_packets.read_id = self.nreads self.nreads += 1 self.reads.append(new_packets)
[docs] def sort_packets(self, collection): ''' Sort the packets in ``collection`` into each chip in ``self.all_chips`` (if ``self.use_all_chips``) or ``self.chips`` (otherwise). ''' by_chipid = collection.by_chipid() io_chain = 0 for chip_id in by_chipid.keys(): if chip_id in [x.chip_id for x in self.chips]: chip = self.get_chip(chip_id, io_chain) chip.reads.append(by_chipid[chip_id]) elif not self._test_mode: print('Warning chip id %d not in chips.' % chip_id)
[docs] def format_bytestream(self, formatted_packets): bytestreams = [] current_bytestream = bytes() for packet in formatted_packets: if len(current_bytestream) + len(packet) <= self.max_write: #vb current_bytestream += packet else: bytestreams.append(current_bytestream) current_bytestream = bytes() current_bytestream += packet bytestreams.append(current_bytestream) return bytestreams
[docs] def save_output(self, filename, message): '''Save the data read by each chip to the specified file.''' data = {} data['reads'] = [collection.to_dict() for collection in self.reads] data['chips'] = [repr(chip) for chip in self.chips] data['message'] = message with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4, separators=(',',':'), sort_keys=True)
[docs] def load(self, filename): ''' Load the data in filename into the controller. Overwrites all data inside the controller! ''' self.__init__(self.port) with open(filename, 'r') as infile: data = json.load(infile) chip_regexp = re.compile(r'Chip\((\d+), ?(\d+)\)') for chip_description in data['chips']: parsed_chip = chip_regexp.match(chip_description) chip_id = int( io_chain = int( self.chips.append(Chip(chip_id, io_chain)) for read in data['reads']: collection = PacketCollection([]) collection.from_dict(read) self.reads.append(collection) self.sort_packets(collection) return data['message']
[docs]class Packet(object): ''' A single 54-bit LArPix UART data packet. ''' size = 54 num_bytes = 7 # These ranges are reversed from the bit addresses given in the # LArPix datasheet because BitArray indexing is big-endian but we # transmit data little-endian-ly. E.g.: # >>> x = BitArray('0b00') # >>> x[0:] = bin(2) # ('0b10') # >>> x[0] # returns True (1) # Another way to think of it is BitArray indexing reads the # bitstream from 0:N but all the LArPix datasheet indexing goes from # N:0. packet_type_bits = slice(52, 54) chipid_bits = slice(44, 52) parity_bit = 0 parity_calc_bits = slice(1, 54) channel_id_bits = slice(37, 44) timestamp_bits = slice(13, 37) dataword_bits = slice(3, 13) fifo_half_bit = 2 fifo_full_bit = 1 register_address_bits = slice(36, 44) register_data_bits = slice(28, 36) config_unused_bits = slice(1, 28) test_counter_bits_11_0 = slice(1, 13) test_counter_bits_15_12 = slice(40, 44) DATA_PACKET = bitarray('00') TEST_PACKET = bitarray('01') CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET = bitarray('10') CONFIG_READ_PACKET = bitarray('11') _bit_padding = bitarray('00') def __init__(self, bytestream=None): if bytestream is None: self.bits = bitarray(Packet.size) self.bits.setall(False) return elif len(bytestream) == Packet.num_bytes: # Parse the bytestream. Remember that bytestream[0] goes at # the 'end' of the BitArray reversed_bytestream = bytestream[::-1] self.bits = bitarray() self.bits.frombytes(reversed_bytestream) # Get rid of the padding (now at the beginning of the # bitstream because of the reverse order) self.bits.pop(0) self.bits.pop(0) else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of bytes: %s' % len(bytestream)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.bits == other.bits def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __str__(self): string = '[ ' ptype = self.packet_type if ptype == Packet.TEST_PACKET: string += 'Test | ' string += 'Counter: %d | ' % self.test_counter elif ptype == Packet.DATA_PACKET: string += 'Data | ' string += 'Channel: %d | ' % self.channel_id string += 'Timestamp: %d | ' % self.timestamp string += 'ADC data: %d | ' % self.dataword string += 'FIFO Half: %s | ' % bool(self.fifo_half_flag) string += 'FIFO Full: %s | ' % bool(self.fifo_full_flag) elif (ptype == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET or ptype == Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET): if ptype == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: string += 'Config read | ' else: string += 'Config write | ' string += 'Register: %d | ' % self.register_address string += 'Value: % d | ' % self.register_data first_splitter = string.find('|') string = (string[:first_splitter] + '| Chip: %d ' % self.chipid + string[first_splitter:]) string += ('Parity: %d (valid: %s) ]' % (self.parity_bit_value, self.has_valid_parity())) return string def __repr__(self): return 'Packet(' + str(self.bytes()) + ')'
[docs] def bytes(self): # Here's the only other place we have to deal with the # endianness issue by reversing the order padded_output = self._bit_padding + self.bits bytes_output = padded_output.tobytes() return bytes_output[::-1]
[docs] def export(self): '''Return a dict representation of this Packet.''' type_map = { self.TEST_PACKET.to01(): 'test', self.DATA_PACKET.to01(): 'data', self.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET.to01(): 'config write', self.CONFIG_READ_PACKET.to01(): 'config read' } d = {} d['bits'] = self.bits.to01() d['type'] = type_map[self.packet_type.to01()] d['chipid'] = self.chipid d['parity'] = self.parity_bit_value d['valid_parity'] = self.has_valid_parity() ptype = self.packet_type if ptype == Packet.TEST_PACKET: d['counter'] = self.test_counter elif ptype == Packet.DATA_PACKET: d['channel'] = self.channel_id d['timestamp'] = self.timestamp d['adc_counts'] = self.dataword d['fifo_half'] = bool(self.fifo_half_flag) d['fifo_full'] = bool(self.fifo_full_flag) elif (ptype == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET or ptype == Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET): d['register'] = self.register_address d['value'] = self.register_data return d
@property def packet_type(self): return self.bits[Packet.packet_type_bits] @packet_type.setter def packet_type(self, value): self.bits[Packet.packet_type_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.packet_type_bits) @property def chipid(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.chipid_bits]) @chipid.setter def chipid(self, value): self.bits[Packet.chipid_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.chipid_bits) @property def parity_bit_value(self): return int(self.bits[Packet.parity_bit]) @parity_bit_value.setter def parity_bit_value(self, value): self.bits[Packet.parity_bit] = bool(value)
[docs] def compute_parity(self): return 1 - (self.bits[Packet.parity_calc_bits].count(True) % 2)
[docs] def assign_parity(self): self.parity_bit_value = self.compute_parity()
[docs] def has_valid_parity(self): return self.parity_bit_value == self.compute_parity()
@property def channel_id(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.channel_id_bits]) @channel_id.setter def channel_id(self, value): self.bits[Packet.channel_id_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.channel_id_bits) @property def timestamp(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.timestamp_bits]) @timestamp.setter def timestamp(self, value): self.bits[Packet.timestamp_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.timestamp_bits) @property def dataword(self): ostensible_value = bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.dataword_bits]) # TODO fix in LArPix v2 return ostensible_value - (ostensible_value % 2) @dataword.setter def dataword(self, value): self.bits[Packet.dataword_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.dataword_bits) @property def fifo_half_flag(self): return int(self.bits[Packet.fifo_half_bit]) @fifo_half_flag.setter def fifo_half_flag(self, value): self.bits[Packet.fifo_half_bit] = bool(value) @property def fifo_full_flag(self): return int(self.bits[Packet.fifo_full_bit]) @fifo_full_flag.setter def fifo_full_flag(self, value): self.bits[Packet.fifo_full_bit] = bool(value) @property def register_address(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.register_address_bits]) @register_address.setter def register_address(self, value): self.bits[Packet.register_address_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.register_address_bits) @property def register_data(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.register_data_bits]) @register_data.setter def register_data(self, value): self.bits[Packet.register_data_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.register_data_bits) @property def test_counter(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_15_12] + self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_11_0]) @test_counter.setter def test_counter(self, value): allbits = bah.fromuint(value, 16) self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_15_12] = ( bah.fromuint(allbits[:4], Packet.test_counter_bits_15_12)) self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_11_0] = ( bah.fromuint(allbits[4:], Packet.test_counter_bits_11_0))
[docs]class PacketCollection(object): ''' Represents a group of packets that were sent to or received from LArPix. Index into the PacketCollection as if it were a list: >>> collection[0] Packet(b'\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') >>> first_ten = collection[:10] >>> len(first_ten) 10 >>> type(first_ten) larpix.larpix.PacketCollection >>> first_ten.message 'my packets | subset slice(None, 10, None)' To view the bits representation, add 'bits' to the index: >>> collection[0, 'bits'] '00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000111' >>> bits_format_first_10 = collection[:10, 'bits'] >>> type(bits_format_first_10[0]) str ''' def __init__(self, packets, bytestream=None, message='', read_id=None, skipped=None): self.packets = packets self.bytestream = bytestream self.skipped = skipped self.message = message self.read_id = read_id self.parent = None def __eq__(self, other): ''' Return True if the packets, message and bytestream compare equal. ''' return (self.packets == other.packets and self.message == other.message and self.bytestream == other.bytestream) def __repr__(self): return '<%s with %d packets, read_id %d, "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self.packets), self.read_id, self.message) def __str__(self): if len(self.packets) < 20: return '\n'.join(str(packet) for packet in self.packets) else: beginning = '\n'.join(str(packet) for packet in self.packets[:10]) middle = '\n'.join([' .', ' . omitted %d packets' % (len(self.packets)-20), ' .']) end = '\n'.join(str(packet) for packet in self.packets[-10:]) return '\n'.join([beginning, middle, end]) def __len__(self): return len(self.packets) def __getitem__(self, key): ''' Get the specified item(s). If key is an int, return the packet object at that index in self.packets. If key is a slice, return a PacketCollection with the specified packets, and with a message inherited from self.message. If key is (slice or int, 'str'), use the behavior as if setting key = key[0]. If key is (int, 'bits'), return a string representation of the bits of the specified packet, as determined by self._bits_getitem. If key is (slice, 'bits'), return a list of string representations of the packets specified by the slice. ''' if isinstance(key, slice): items = PacketCollection([p for p in self.packets[key]]) items.message = '%s | subset %s' % (self.message, key) items.parent = self items.read_id = self.read_id return items elif isinstance(key, tuple): if key[1] == 'bits': return self._bits_getitem(key[0]) elif key[1] == 'str': return self[key[0]] else: return self.packets[key] def _bits_getitem(self, key): ''' Replace each packet with a string of the packet bits grouped 8 bits at a time. ''' if isinstance(key, slice): return [' '.join(p.bits.to01()[i:i+8] for i in range(0, Packet.size, 8)) for p in self.packets[key]] else: return ' '.join(self.packets[key].bits.to01()[i:i+8] for i in range(0, Packet.size, 8))
[docs] def to_dict(self): ''' Export the information in this PacketCollection to a dict. ''' d = {} d['packets'] = [packet.export() for packet in self.packets] d['id'] = id(self) d['parent'] = 'None' if self.parent is None else id(self.parent) d['message'] = str(self.message) d['read_id'] = 'None' if self.read_id is None else self.read_id d['bytestream'] = ('None' if self.bytestream is None else self.bytestream.decode('raw_unicode_escape')) return d
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): ''' Load the information in the dict into this PacketCollection. ''' self.message = d['message'] self.read_id = d['read_id'] self.bytestream = d['bytestream'].encode('raw_unicode_escape') self.parent = None self.packets = [] for p in d['packets']: bits = p['bits'] packet = Packet() packet.bits = bitarray(bits) self.packets.append(packet)
[docs] def extract(self, attr, **selection): ''' Extract the given attribute from packets specified by selection and return a list. Any key used in Packet.export is a valid attribute or selection: - all packets: - bits - type (data, test, config read, config write) - chipid - parity - valid_parity - data packets: - channel - timestamp - adc_count - fifo_half - fifo_full - test packets: - counter - config packets: - register - value Usage: >>> # Return a list of adc counts from any data packets >>> adc_data = collection.extract('adc_counts') >>> # Return a list of timestamps from chip 2 data >>> timestamps = collection.extract('timestamp', chipid=2) >>> # Return the most recently read global threshold from chip 5 >>> threshold = collection.extract('value', register=32, type='config read', chip=5)[-1] ''' values = [] for p in self.packets: try: d = p.export() if all( d[key] == value for key, value in selection.items()): values.append(d[attr]) except KeyError: continue return values
[docs] def origin(self): ''' Return the original PacketCollection that this PacketCollection derives from. ''' child = self parent = self.parent max_generations = 100 # to prevent infinite loops i = 0 while parent is not None and i < max_generations: # Move up the family tree one generation child = parent parent = parent.parent i += 1 if parent is None: return child else: raise ValueError('Reached limit on generations: %d' % max_generations)
[docs] def with_chipid(self, chipid): ''' Return packets with the specified chip ID. ''' return [packet for packet in self.packets if packet.chipid == chipid]
[docs] def by_chipid(self): ''' Return a dict of { chipid: PacketCollection }. ''' chip_groups = {} for packet in self.packets: # append packet to list if list exists, else append to empty # list as a default chip_groups.setdefault(packet.chipid, []).append(packet) to_return = {} for chipid in chip_groups: new_collection = PacketCollection(chip_groups[chipid]) new_collection.message = self.message + ' | chip %s' % chipid new_collection.read_id = self.read_id new_collection.parent = self to_return[chipid] = new_collection return to_return
[docs]class SerialPort(object): '''Wrapper for various serial port interfaces across platforms''' # Guesses for default port name by platform _default_port_map = { 'Default':['/dev/ttyUSB2','/dev/ttyUSB1'], # Same as Linux 'Linux':['/dev/ttyAMA0', '/dev/ttyUSB2','/dev/ttyUSB1', '/dev/ttyUSB0'], # Linux 'Darwin':['scan-ftdi',], # OS X } _logger = None def __init__(self, port=None, baudrate=9600, timeout=None): self.port = port self.resolved_port = '' self.port_type = '' self.baudrate = baudrate self.timeout = timeout self._keep_open = False self.serial_com = None self._initialize_serial_com() self.logger = None if not (self._logger is None): self.logger = self._logger return
[docs] @classmethod def guess_port(cls): '''Guess at correct port name based on platform''' platform_default = 'Default' platform_name = platform.system() if platform_name not in cls._default_port_map: platform_name = platform_default default_devs = cls._default_port_map[platform_name] osx_cmd = 'system_profiler SPUSBDataType | grep -C 7 FTDI | grep Serial' for default_dev in default_devs: if default_dev.startswith('/dev'): # pyserial try: if os.stat(default_dev): return default_dev except OSError: continue elif default_dev == 'scan-ftdi': if platform_name == 'Darwin': # scan for pylibftdi on OS X # Scan for FTDI devices result = os.popen(osx_cmd).read() if len(result) > 0: idx = result.find('Serial Number:') dev_name = result[idx+14:idx+24].strip() print('Autoscan found FTDI device: "%s"' % dev_name) return dev_name elif not default_dev.startswith('/dev'): # assume pylibftdi return default_dev raise OSError('Cannot find serial device for platform: %s' % platform_name)
def _ready_port(self): '''Function handle. Will be reset to appropriate method''' raise NotImplementedError('Serial port type has not been defined.') def _ready_port_pyserial(self): '''Ready a pyserial port''' if self.serial_com is None: # Create serial port import serial self.serial_com = serial.Serial(self.resolved_port, baudrate=self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout) if not self.serial_com.is_open: # Open, if necessary return def _ready_port_pylibftdi(self): '''Ready a pylibftdi port''' if self.serial_com is None: # Construct serial port import pylibftdi self.serial_com = pylibftdi.Device(self.resolved_port) if self.serial_com.closed: # Open port # Confirm baudrate (Required for OS X) self._confirm_baudrate() return def _ready_port_test(self): if self.serial_com is None: # Get FakeSerialPort from testing module import test.test_larpix as test_lib self.serial_com = test_lib.FakeSerialPort() return def _confirm_baudrate(self): '''Check and set the baud rate''' if self.serial_com.baudrate != self.baudrate: # Reset baudrate self.serial_com.baudrate = self.baudrate return def _initialize_serial_com(self): '''Initialize the low-level serial com connection''' self.resolved_port = self._resolve_port_name() self.port_type = self._resolve_port_type() if self.port_type is 'pyserial': self._ready_port = self._ready_port_pyserial self._keep_open = False elif self.port_type is 'pylibftdi': self._ready_port = self._ready_port_pylibftdi self._keep_open = True elif self.port_type is 'test': self._ready_port = self._ready_port_test self._keep_open = True else: raise ValueError('Port type must be either pyserial, pylibftdi, or test') return def _resolve_port_name(self): '''Resolve the serial port name, based on user request''' if self.port is None: # Must set port raise ValueError('You must choose a serial port for operation') # FIXME: incorporate auto-scan feature if self.port is 'auto': # Try to guess the correct port return self.guess_port() # FIXME: incorporate list option? #elif isinstance(self.port, list): # # Try to determine best choice from list # for port_name in list: # if self._port_exists(port_name): # return port_name return self.port def _resolve_port_type(self): '''Resolve the type of serial port, based on the name''' if self.resolved_port.startswith('/dev'): # Looks like a tty device. Use pyserial. return 'pyserial' elif self.resolved_port is 'test': # Testing port. Don't use an external library return 'test' elif not self.resolved_port.startswith('/dev'): # Looks like a libftdi raw device. Use pylibftdi. return 'pylibftdi' raise ValueError('Unknown port: %s' % self.port)
[docs] def open(self): '''Open the port''' self._ready_port() return
[docs] def close(self): '''Close the port''' if self.serial_com is None: return self.serial_com.close()
[docs] def write(self, data): '''Write data to serial port''' self._ready_port() write_time = time.time() self.serial_com.write(data) if self.logger: self.logger.record({'data_type':'write','data':data,'time':write_time}) if not self._keep_open: self.close() return
[docs] def read(self, nbytes): '''Read data from serial port''' self._ready_port() read_time = time.time() data = if self.logger: self.logger.record({'data_type':'read','data':data,'time':read_time}) if not self._keep_open: self.close() return data
[docs]def enable_logger(filename=None): '''Enable serial data logger''' if SerialPort._logger is None: from larpix.datalogger import DataLogger SerialPort._logger = DataLogger(filename) if not SerialPort._logger.is_enabled(): SerialPort._logger.enable() return
[docs]def disable_logger(): '''Disable serial data logger''' if SerialPort._logger is not None: SerialPort._logger.disable() return
[docs]def flush_logger(): '''Flush serial data logger data to output file''' if SerialPort._logger is not None: SerialPort._logger.flush() return