FakeIO IO Interface

A module for the FakeIO class.

class larpix.io.fakeio.FakeIO[source]

An IO stand-in that sends output to stdout (i.e. print) and reads input from a data member that can be set in advance.

The queue is implemented as a collections.deque object. Data can be queued up in advance through repeated calls to queue.append(). The first element of the queue will be passed on to the Controller.read method each time it is called. This is a true queue, i.e. first-in, first-out.

The format for an element of the queue is a tuple: ([list_of_Packets], b'corresponding bytes').

Although meaningless in terms of the internal implementation, FakeIO objects contain an internal state determining whether the object is currently “listening,” and will raise a RuntimeError if empty_queue is called when the object is not listening.

classmethod encode(packets)[source]

Placeholder for packet encoding

classmethod decode(msgs)[source]

Placeholder for message decoding

classmethod is_valid_chip_key(key)[source]

Check if provided key is valid for IO implementation. Chip key should be an immutable python type and not tuple

Parameters:key – key to check validity
Returns:True if valid key
classmethod parse_chip_key(key)[source]

Placeholder function for parsing chip keys chip_key

Parameters:key – chip key to be returned in dict
Returns:dict with keys ('chip_key')
classmethod generate_chip_key(**kwargs)[source]

Placeholder function for generating a chip key

Parameters:chip_key – chip key to return
Returns:chip_key that was passed into the function

Print the packets to stdout.


Mock-up of beginning to listen for new packets.


Mock-up of no longer listening for new packets.


Read and remove the next item from the internal queue and return it as if it were data that had just been read.