Source code for larpix.larpix

A module to control the LArPix chip.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import time
import json
import os
import errno
import math
import warnings

from bitarray import bitarray

from . import bitarrayhelper as bah
from . import configs

[docs]class Chip(object): ''' Represents one LArPix chip and helps with configuration and packet generation. ''' num_channels = 32 def __init__(self, chip_id, chip_key): ''' Create a new Chip object with the given ``chip_id``. The specification of the ``chip_key`` is given by each ``io`` class. ''' self.chip_id = chip_id self.chip_key = chip_key self.data_to_send = [] self.config = Configuration() self.reads = [] self.new_reads_index = 0 def __str__(self): return 'Chip (id: {}, key: {})'.format(self.chip_id, self.chip_key) def __repr__(self): return 'Chip(chip_id={}, chip_key={})'.format(self.chip_id, self.chip_key)
[docs] def get_configuration_packets(self, packet_type, registers=None): ''' Return a list of Packet objects to read or write (depending on ``packet_type``) the specified configuration registers (or all registers by default). ''' if registers is None: registers = range(Configuration.num_registers) conf = self.config packets = [] packet_register_data = conf.all_data() for i, data in enumerate(packet_register_data): if i not in registers: continue packet = Packet() packet.packet_type = packet_type packet.chipid = self.chip_id packet.chip_key = self.chip_key packet.register_address = i if packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET: packet.register_data = data else: packet.register_data = 0 packet.assign_parity() packets.append(packet) return packets
[docs] def sync_configuration(self, index=-1): ''' Adjust self.config to match whatever config read packets are in self.reads[index]. Defaults to the most recently read PacketCollection. Later packets in the list will overwrite earlier packets. The ``index`` parameter could be a slice. ''' updates = {} if isinstance(index, slice): for collection in self.reads[index]: for packet in collection: if packet.packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: updates[packet.register_address] = packet.register_data else: for packet in self.reads[index]: if packet.packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: updates[packet.register_address] = packet.register_data self.config.from_dict_registers(updates)
[docs] def export_reads(self, only_new_reads=True): ''' Return a dict of the packets this Chip has received. If ``only_new_reads`` is ``True`` (default), then only the packets since the last time this method was called will be in the dict. Otherwise, all of the packets stored in ``self.reads`` will be in the dict. ''' data = {} data['chip_key'] = self.chip_key data['chip_id'] = self.chip_id if only_new_reads: packets = self.reads[self.new_reads_index:] else: packets = self.reads data['packets'] = list(map(lambda x:x.export(), packets)) self.new_reads_index = len(self.reads) return data
class _Smart_List(list): ''' A list type which checks its elements to be within given bounds. Used for Configuration attributes where there's a distinct value for each LArPix channel. ''' def __init__(self, values, low, high): if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == _Smart_List): raise ValueError("_Smart_List is not list") if any([value > high or value < low for value in values]): raise ValueError("value out of bounds") list.__init__(self, values) self.low = low self.high = high def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, int): if value > self.high or value < self.low: raise ValueError("value out of bounds") list.__setitem__(self, key, value) else: for num in value: if num > self.high or num < self.low: raise ValueError("value out of bounds") list.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __setslice__(self, i, j, value): ''' Only used in Python 2, where __setslice__ is deprecated but contaminates the namespace of this subclass. ''' self.__setitem__(slice(i, j, None), value)
[docs]class Configuration(object): ''' Represents the desired configuration state of a LArPix chip. ''' num_registers = 63 pixel_trim_threshold_addresses = list(range(0, 32)) global_threshold_address = 32 csa_gain_and_bypasses_address = 33 csa_bypass_select_addresses = list(range(34, 38)) csa_monitor_select_addresses = list(range(38, 42)) csa_testpulse_enable_addresses = list(range(42, 46)) csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_address = 46 test_mode_xtrig_reset_diag_address = 47 sample_cycles_address = 48 test_burst_length_addresses = [49, 50] adc_burst_length_address = 51 channel_mask_addresses = list(range(52, 56)) external_trigger_mask_addresses = list(range(56, 60)) reset_cycles_addresses = [60, 61, 62] register_names = ['pixel_trim_thresholds', 'global_threshold', 'csa_gain', 'csa_bypass', 'internal_bypass', 'csa_bypass_select', 'csa_monitor_select', 'csa_testpulse_enable', 'csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude', 'test_mode', 'cross_trigger_mode', 'periodic_reset', 'fifo_diagnostic', 'sample_cycles', 'test_burst_length', 'adc_burst_length', 'channel_mask', 'external_trigger_mask', 'reset_cycles'] ''' This attribute lists the names of all available configuration registers. Each register name is available as its own attribute for inspecting and setting the value of the corresponding register. Certain configuration values are set channel-by-channel. These are represented by a list of values. For example: >>> conf.pixel_trim_thresholds[2:5] [16, 16, 16] >>> conf.channel_mask[20] = 1 >>> conf.external_trigger_mask = [0] * 32 Additionally, other configuration values take up more than or less than one complete register. These are still set by referencing the appropriate name. For example, ``cross_trigger_mode`` shares a register with a few other values, and adjusting the value of the ``cross_trigger_mode`` attribute will leave the other values unchanged. ''' TEST_OFF = 0x0 TEST_UART = 0x1 TEST_FIFO = 0x2 def __init__(self): # Actual setup self.load('chip/default.json') # Annoying things we have to do because the configuration # register follows complex semantics: # The following dicts/lists specify how to translate a register # address into a sensible update to the Configuration object. # Simple registers are just the value stored in the register. self._simple_registers = { 32: 'global_threshold', 46: 'csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude', 48: 'sample_cycles', 51: 'adc_burst_length', } # These registers need the attribute extracted from the register # data. self._complex_modify_data = { 33: [('csa_gain', lambda data:data % 2), ('csa_bypass', lambda data:(data//2) % 2), ('internal_bypass', lambda data:(data//8) % 2)], 47: [('test_mode', lambda data:data % 4), ('cross_trigger_mode', lambda data:(data//4) % 2), ('periodic_reset', lambda data:(data//8) % 2), ('fifo_diagnostic', lambda data:(data//16) % 2)] } # These registers combine the register data with the existing # attribute value to get the new attribute value. self._complex_modify_attr = { 49: ('test_burst_length', lambda val,data:(val//256)*256+data), 50: ('test_burst_length', lambda val,data:(val%256)+data*256), 60: ('reset_cycles', lambda val,data:(val//256)*256+data), 61: ('reset_cycles', lambda val,data:(val//0x10000)*0x10000+data*256+val%256), 62: ('reset_cycles', lambda val,data:(val%0x10000)+data*0x10000) } # These registers store 32 bits over 4 registers each, and those # 32 bits correspond to entries in a 32-entry list. self._complex_array_spec = [ (range(34, 38), 'csa_bypass_select'), (range(38, 42), 'csa_monitor_select'), (range(42, 46), 'csa_testpulse_enable'), (range(52, 56), 'channel_mask'), (range(56, 60), 'external_trigger_mask')] self._complex_array = {} for addresses, label in self._complex_array_spec: for i, address in enumerate(addresses): self._complex_array[address] = (label, i) # These registers each correspond to an entry in an array self._trim_registers = list(range(32)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): ''' Default setattr behavior occurs if name is in ``register_names``, is "private" or is a known attribute Otherwise raises an attribute error ''' if not (name in self.register_names or name[0] == '_' or hasattr(self, name)): raise AttributeError('%s is not a known register' % name) return super(Configuration, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __eq__(self, other): ''' Returns true if all fields match ''' return all([getattr(self, register_name) == getattr(other, register_name) for register_name in self.register_names]) def __str__(self): ''' Converts configuration to a nicely formatted json string ''' d = self.to_dict() l = ['\"{}\": {}'.format(key,value) for key,value in d.items()] return '{\n ' + ',\n '.join(l) + '\n}'
[docs] def compare(self, config): ''' Returns a dict containing pairs of each differently valued register Pair order is (self, other) ''' d = {} for register_name in self.register_names: if getattr(self, register_name) != getattr(config, register_name): d[register_name] = (getattr(self, register_name), getattr(config, register_name)) # Attempt to simplify some of the long values (array values) for (name, (self_value, config_value)) in d.items(): if (name in (label for _, label in self._complex_array_spec) or name == 'pixel_trim_thresholds'): different_values = [] for ch, (val, config_val) in enumerate(zip(self_value, config_value)): if val != config_val: different_values.append(({'channel': ch, 'value': val}, {'channel': ch, 'value': config_val})) if len(different_values) < 5: d[name] = different_values else: pass return d
[docs] def get_nondefault_registers(self): ''' Return a dict of all registers that are not set to the default configuration (i.e. of the ASIC on power-up). The keys are the register name where there's a difference, and the values are tuples of (current, default) configuration values. ''' return
@property def pixel_trim_thresholds(self): return self._pixel_trim_thresholds @pixel_trim_thresholds.setter def pixel_trim_thresholds(self, values): low = 0 high = 31 if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == _Smart_List): raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold is not int") if any(value > high or value < low for value in values): raise ValueError("pixel_trim_threshold out of bounds") self._pixel_trim_thresholds = _Smart_List(values, low, high) @property def global_threshold(self): return self._global_threshold @global_threshold.setter def global_threshold(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("global_threshold is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("global_threshold out of bounds") self._global_threshold = value @property def csa_gain(self): return self._csa_gain @csa_gain.setter def csa_gain(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("csa_gain is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("csa_gain out of bounds") self._csa_gain = value @property def csa_bypass(self): return self._csa_bypass @csa_bypass.setter def csa_bypass(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("csa_bypass is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("csa_bypass out of bounds") self._csa_bypass = value @property def internal_bypass(self): return self._internal_bypass @internal_bypass.setter def internal_bypass(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("internal_bypass is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("internal_bypass out of bounds") self._internal_bypass = value @property def csa_bypass_select(self): return self._csa_bypass_select @csa_bypass_select.setter def csa_bypass_select(self, values): low = 0 high = 1 if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == _Smart_List): raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select is not int") if any(value > high or value < low for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_bypass_select out of bounds") self._csa_bypass_select = _Smart_List(values, low, high) @property def csa_monitor_select(self): return self._csa_monitor_select @csa_monitor_select.setter def csa_monitor_select(self, values): low = 0 high = 1 if not (type(values) == list or type(values) == _Smart_List): raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select is not int") if any(value > high or value < low for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_monitor_select out of bounds") self._csa_monitor_select = _Smart_List(values, low, high) @property def csa_testpulse_enable(self): return self._csa_testpulse_enable @csa_testpulse_enable.setter def csa_testpulse_enable(self, values): if not type(values) == list: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable is not int") if any(value > 1 or value < 0 for value in values): raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_enable out of bounds") self._csa_testpulse_enable = values @property def csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude(self): return self._csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude @csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude.setter def csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude out of bounds") self._csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude = value @property def test_mode(self): return self._test_mode @test_mode.setter def test_mode(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("test_mode is not int") valid_values = [Configuration.TEST_OFF, Configuration.TEST_UART, Configuration.TEST_FIFO] if not value in valid_values: raise ValueError("test_mode is not valid") self._test_mode = value @property def cross_trigger_mode(self): return self._cross_trigger_mode @cross_trigger_mode.setter def cross_trigger_mode(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("cross_trigger_mode is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("cross_trigger_mode out of bounds") self._cross_trigger_mode = value @property def periodic_reset(self): return self._periodic_reset @periodic_reset.setter def periodic_reset(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("periodic_reset is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("periodic_reset out of bounds") self._periodic_reset = value @property def fifo_diagnostic(self): return self._fifo_diagnostic @fifo_diagnostic.setter def fifo_diagnostic(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("fifo_diagnostic is not int") if value > 1 or value < 0: raise ValueError("fifo_diagnostic out of bounds") self._fifo_diagnostic = value @property def sample_cycles(self): return self._sample_cycles @sample_cycles.setter def sample_cycles(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("sample_cycles is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("sample_cycles out of bounds") self._sample_cycles = value @property def test_burst_length(self): return self._test_burst_length @test_burst_length.setter def test_burst_length(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("test_burst_length is not int") if value > 65535 or value < 0: raise ValueError("test_burst_length out of bounds") self._test_burst_length = value @property def adc_burst_length(self): return self._adc_burst_length @adc_burst_length.setter def adc_burst_length(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("adc_burst_length is not int") if value > 255 or value < 0: raise ValueError("adc_burst_length out of bounds") self._adc_burst_length = value @property def channel_mask(self): return self._channel_mask @channel_mask.setter def channel_mask(self, values): if not type(values) == list: raise ValueError("channel_mask is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("channel_mask length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("channel_mask is not int") if any(value > 1 or value < 0 for value in values): raise ValueError("channel_mask out of bounds") self._channel_mask = values @property def external_trigger_mask(self): return self._external_trigger_mask @external_trigger_mask.setter def external_trigger_mask(self, values): if not type(values) == list: raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask is not list") if not len(values) == Chip.num_channels: raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask length is not %d" % Chip.num_channels) if not all(type(value) == int for value in values): raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask is not int") if any(value > 1 or value < 0 for value in values): raise ValueError("external_trigger_mask out of bounds") self._external_trigger_mask = values @property def reset_cycles(self): return self._reset_cycles @reset_cycles.setter def reset_cycles(self, value): if not type(value) == int: raise ValueError("reset_cycles is not int") if value > 16777215 or value < 0: raise ValueError("reset_cycles out of bounds") self._reset_cycles = value
[docs] def enable_channels(self, list_of_channels=None): ''' Shortcut for changing the channel mask for the given channels to "enable" (i.e. 0). ''' if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.channel_mask[channel] = 0
[docs] def disable_channels(self, list_of_channels=None): ''' Shortcut for changing the channel mask for the given channels to "disable" (i.e. 1). ''' if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.channel_mask[channel] = 1
[docs] def enable_external_trigger(self, list_of_channels=None): ''' Shortcut for enabling the external trigger functionality for the given channels. (I.e. disabling the mask.) ''' if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.external_trigger_mask[channel] = 0
[docs] def disable_external_trigger(self, list_of_channels=None): ''' Shortcut for disabling the external trigger functionality for the given channels. (I.e. enabling the mask.) ''' if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.external_trigger_mask[channel] = 1
[docs] def enable_testpulse(self, list_of_channels=None): ''' Shortcut for enabling the test pulser for the given channels. ''' if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.csa_testpulse_enable[channel] = 0
[docs] def disable_testpulse(self, list_of_channels=None): ''' Shortcut for disabling the test pulser for the given channels. ''' if list_of_channels is None: list_of_channels = range(Chip.num_channels) for channel in list_of_channels: self.csa_testpulse_enable[channel] = 1
[docs] def enable_analog_monitor(self, channel): ''' Shortcut for enabling the analog monitor on the given channel. ''' self.csa_monitor_select[channel] = 1
[docs] def disable_analog_monitor(self): ''' Shortcut for disabling the analog monitor (on all channels). ''' self.csa_monitor_select = [0] * Chip.num_channels
def all_data(self): bits = [] num_channels = Chip.num_channels for channel in range(num_channels): bits.append(self.trim_threshold_data(channel)) bits.append(self.global_threshold_data()) bits.append(self.csa_gain_and_bypasses_data()) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.csa_bypass_select_data(chunk)) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.csa_monitor_select_data(chunk)) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.csa_testpulse_enable_data(chunk)) bits.append(self.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_data()) bits.append(self.test_mode_xtrig_reset_diag_data()) bits.append(self.sample_cycles_data()) bits.append(self.test_burst_length_data(0)) bits.append(self.test_burst_length_data(1)) bits.append(self.adc_burst_length_data()) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.channel_mask_data(chunk)) for chunk in range(4): bits.append(self.external_trigger_mask_data(chunk)) bits.append(self.reset_cycles_data(0)) bits.append(self.reset_cycles_data(1)) bits.append(self.reset_cycles_data(2)) return bits def trim_threshold_data(self, channel): return bah.fromuint(self.pixel_trim_thresholds[channel], 8) def global_threshold_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.global_threshold, 8) def csa_gain_and_bypasses_data(self): return bitarray('0000') + [self.internal_bypass, 0, self.csa_bypass, self.csa_gain] def csa_bypass_select_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.csa_bypass_select[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.csa_bypass_select[high_bit:low_bit:-1]) def csa_monitor_select_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.csa_monitor_select[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.csa_monitor_select[high_bit:low_bit:-1]) def csa_testpulse_enable_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.csa_testpulse_enable[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.csa_testpulse_enable[high_bit:low_bit:-1]) def csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude, 8) def test_mode_xtrig_reset_diag_data(self): toReturn = bitarray([0, 0, 0, self.fifo_diagnostic, self.periodic_reset, self.cross_trigger_mode]) toReturn.extend(bah.fromuint(self.test_mode, 2)) return toReturn def sample_cycles_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.sample_cycles, 8) def test_burst_length_data(self, chunk): bits = bah.fromuint(self.test_burst_length, 16) if chunk == 0: return bits[8:] elif chunk == 1: return bits[:8] def adc_burst_length_data(self): return bah.fromuint(self.adc_burst_length, 8) def channel_mask_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.channel_mask[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.channel_mask[high_bit:low_bit:-1]) def external_trigger_mask_data(self, chunk): if chunk == 0: return bitarray(self.external_trigger_mask[7::-1]) else: high_bit = (chunk + 1) * 8 - 1 low_bit = chunk * 8 - 1 return bitarray(self.external_trigger_mask[high_bit:low_bit:-1]) def reset_cycles_data(self, chunk): bits = bah.fromuint(self.reset_cycles, 24) if chunk == 0: return bits[16:] elif chunk == 1: return bits[8:16] elif chunk == 2: return bits[:8]
[docs] def to_dict(self): ''' Export the configuration register names and values into a dict. ''' d = {} for register_name in self.register_names: d[register_name] = getattr(self, register_name) return d
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): ''' Use a dict of ``{register_name, value}`` to update the current configuration. Not all registers must be in the dict - only those present will be updated. ''' for register_name in self.register_names: if register_name in d: setattr(self, register_name, d[register_name])
[docs] def from_dict_registers(self, d): ''' Load in the configuration specified by a dict of (register, value) pairs. ''' def bits_to_array(data): bits = bah.fromuint(data, 8) return [int(bit) for bit in bits][::-1] for address, value in d.items(): if address in self._simple_registers: setattr(self, self._simple_registers[address], value) elif address in self._complex_modify_data: attributes = self._complex_modify_data[address] for name, extract in attributes: setattr(self, name, extract(value)) elif address in self._complex_modify_attr: name, combine = self._complex_modify_attr[address] current_value = getattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, combine(current_value, value)) elif address in self._complex_array: name, index = self._complex_array[address] affected = slice(index*8, (index+1)*8) attr_list = getattr(self, name) attr_list[affected] = bits_to_array(value) elif address in self._trim_registers: self.pixel_trim_thresholds[address] = value return #phew
[docs] def write(self, filename, force=False, append=False): ''' Save the configuration to a JSON file. ''' if os.path.isfile(filename): if not force: raise IOError(errno.EEXIST, 'File %s exists. Use force=True to overwrite' % filename) with open(filename, 'w+') as outfile: outfile.write(str(self)) return 0
[docs] def load(self, filename): ''' Load a JSON file and use the contents to update the current configuration. ''' data = configs.load(filename) self.from_dict(data)
[docs]class Controller(object): ''' Controls a collection of LArPix Chip objects. Reading data: The specific interface for reading data is selected by specifying the ``io`` attribute. These objects all have similar behavior for reading in new data. On initialization, the object will discard any LArPix packets sent from ASICs. To begin saving incoming packets, call ``start_listening()``. Data will then build up in some form of internal register or queue. The queue can be emptied with a call to ``read()``, which empties the queue and returns a list of Packet objects that were in the queue. The ``io`` object will still be listening for new packets during and after this process. If the queue/register fills up, data may be discarded/lost. To stop saving incoming packets and retrieve any packets still in the queue, call ``stop_listening()``. While the Controller is listening, packets can be sent using the appropriate methods without interrupting the incoming data stream. Properties and attributes: - ``chips``: the ``Chip`` objects that the controller controls - ``all_chips``: all possible ``Chip`` objects (considering there are a finite number of chip IDs), initialized on object construction - ``reads``: list of all the PacketCollections that have been sent back to this controller. PacketCollections are created by ``run``, ``write_configuration``, ``read_configuration``, ``multi_write_configuration``, ``multi_read_configuration``, and ``store_packets``. - ``use_all_chips``: if ``True``, look up chip objects in ``self.all_chips``, else look up in ``self.chips`` (default: ``False``) ''' def __init__(self): self.chips = {} self.all_chips = self._init_chips() self._use_all_chips = False self.reads = [] self.nreads = 0 = None self.logger = None @property def use_all_chips(self): return self._use_all_chips @use_all_chips.setter def use_all_chips(self, value): warnings.warn('all_chips access is no longer supported, bad things may happen', FutureWarning) self._use_all_chips = value def _init_chips(self, nchips = 256, iochain = 0): ''' Return all possible chips. ''' return_dict = {} for i in range(nchips): key = '{}-{}'.format(iochain, i) return_dict[key] = Chip(i, chip_key=key) return return_dict
[docs] def get_chip(self, chip_key): ''' Retrieve the Chip object that this Controller associates with the given ``chip_key``. ''' if self.use_all_chips: chip_dict = self.all_chips else: chip_dict = self.chips try: return chip_dict[chip_key] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Could not find chip using key <{}> '.format(chip_key))
# raise ValueError('Could not find chip (%d, %d) (using all_chips' # '? %s)' % (chip_id, io_chain, self.use_all_chips))
[docs] def add_chip(self, chip_key, chip_id=0, safe=True): ''' Add a specified chip to the Controller chips param: chip_key: chip key to specify unique chip param: chip_id: chip id to associate with chip param: safe: check if chip key is valid using current io ''' valid_chip_key = True if safe: if valid_chip_key = else: raise RuntimeError('No io object to validate chip key, run with safe=False to override') if valid_chip_key: self.chips[chip_key] = Chip(chip_id=chip_id, chip_key=chip_key) return self.chips[chip_key] warnings.warn('Invalid chip key, chip was not added! run with safe=False to override') return None
[docs] def load(self, filename, safe=True): ''' Loads the specified file that describes the chip ids and IO network :param filename: File path to configuration file :param safe: Flag to check chip keys against current io ''' return self.load_controller(filename, safe=True)
[docs] def load_controller(self, filename, safe=True): ''' Loads the specified file using the basic key, chip format The key, chip file format is: `` { "name": "<system name>", "chip_list": [[<chip key>, <chip id>],...] } `` The chip key is the Controller access key that gets communicated to/from the io object when sending and receiving packets. :param filename: File path to configuration file :param safe: Flag to check chip keys against current io ''' system_info = configs.load(filename) chips = {} for chip_info in system_info['chip_list']: chip_id = chip_info[1] chip_key = chip_info[0] valid_key = True if safe: if valid_chip_key = else: raise RuntimeError('No io object to validate chip key, run with' ' safe=False to override') if valid_key: chips[chip_key] = Chip(chip_id, chip_key=chip_key) else: raise RuntimeError('Chip key {} is invalid for io {}, run with ' 'safe=False to override'.format(chip_key, self.chips = chips return system_info['name']
[docs] def load_daisy_chain(self, filename, safe=True): ''' Loads the specified file in a basic daisy chain format Daisy chain file format is: `` { "name": "<board name>", "chip_list": [[<chip id>,<daisy chain>],...] } `` Position in daisy chain is specified by position in `chip_set` list returns board name of the loaded chipset configuration :param filename: File path to configuration file :param safe: Flag to check chip keys against current io ''' board_info = configs.load(filename) chips = {} for chip_info in board_info['chip_list']: chip_id = chip_info[0] io_chain = chip_info[1] key = '{}-{}'.format(io_chain, chip_id) valid_chip_key = True if safe: if valid_chip_key = else: raise RuntimeError('No io object to validate chip key, run ' 'with safe=False to override') if valid_chip_key: chips[key] = Chip(chip_id, chip_key=key) else: raise RuntimeError('Chip key {} is invalid for io {}, run with ' 'safe=False to override'.format(chip_key, self.chips = chips return board_info['name']
[docs] def send(self, packets): ''' Send the specified packets to the LArPix ASICs. ''' timestamp = time.time() if else: warnings.warn('no IO object exists, no packets sent', RuntimeWarning) if self.logger: self.logger.record(packets, data_type='SEND', timestamp=timestamp)
[docs] def start_listening(self): ''' Listen for packets to arrive. ''' if else: warnings.warn('no IO object exists, you have done nothing', RuntimeWarning)
[docs] def stop_listening(self): ''' Stop listening for new packets to arrive. ''' if return else: warnings.warn('no IO object exists, you have done nothing', RuntimeWarning)
[docs] def read(self): ''' Read any packets that have arrived and return (packets, bytestream) where bytestream is the bytes that were received. The returned list will contain packets that arrived since the last call to ``read`` or ``start_listening``, whichever was most recent. ''' timestamp = time.time() packets = [] bytestream = b'' if packets, bytestream = else: warnings.warn('no IO object exists, no packets will be received', RuntimeWarning) if self.logger: self.logger.record(packets, data_type='READ', timestamp=timestamp) return packets, bytestream
[docs] def write_configuration(self, chip_key, registers=None, write_read=0, message=None): ''' Send the configurations stored in chip.config to the LArPix ASIC. By default, sends all registers. If registers is an int, then only that register is sent. If registers is an iterable, then all of the registers in the iterable are sent. If write_read == 0 (default), the configurations will be sent and the current listening state will not be affected. If the controller is currently listening, then the listening state will not change and the value of write_read will be ignored. If write_read > 0 and the controller is not currently listening, then the controller will listen for ``write_read`` seconds beginning immediately before the packets are sent out, read the io queue, and save the packets into the ``reads`` data member. Note that the controller will only read the queue once, so if a lot of data is expected, you should handle the reads manually and set write_read to 0 (default). ''' if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass if message is None: message = 'configuration write' else: message = 'configuration write: ' + message chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) packets = chip.get_configuration_packets( Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET, registers) already_listening = False if already_listening = mess_with_listening = write_read != 0 and not already_listening if mess_with_listening: self.start_listening() stop_time = time.time() + write_read self.send(packets) if mess_with_listening: sleep_time = stop_time - time.time() if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) packets, bytestream = self.stop_listening() self.store_packets(packets, bytestream, message)
[docs] def read_configuration(self, chip_key, registers=None, timeout=1, message=None): ''' Send "configuration read" requests to the LArPix ASIC. By default, request all registers. If registers is an int, then only that register is reqeusted. If registers is an iterable, then all of the registers in the iterable are requested. If the controller is currently listening, then the requests will be sent and no change to the listening state will occur. (The value of ``timeout`` will be ignored.) If the controller is not currently listening, then the controller will listen for ``timeout`` seconds beginning immediately before the first packet is sent out, and will save any received packets in the ``reads`` data member. ''' if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass if message is None: message = 'configuration read' else: message = 'configuration read: ' + message chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) packets = chip.get_configuration_packets( Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET, registers) already_listening = False if already_listening = if not already_listening: self.start_listening() stop_time = time.time() + timeout self.send(packets) if not already_listening: sleep_time = stop_time - time.time() if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) packets, bytestream = self.stop_listening() self.store_packets(packets, bytestream, message)
[docs] def multi_write_configuration(self, chip_reg_pairs, write_read=0, message=None): ''' Send multiple write configuration commands at once. ``chip_reg_pairs`` should be a list/iterable whose elements are an valid arguments to ``Controller.write_configuration``, excluding the ``write_read`` argument. Just like in the single ``Controller.write_configuration``, setting ``write_read > 0`` will have the controller read data during and after it writes, for however many seconds are specified. Examples: These first 2 are equivalent and write the full configurations >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([chip_key1, chip_key2, ...]) >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([(chip_key1, None), chip_key2, ...]) These 2 write the specified registers for the specified chips in the specified order >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([(chip_key1, 1), (chip_key2, 2), ...]) >>> controller.multi_write_configuration([(chip_key1, range(10)), chip_key2, ...]) ''' if message is None: message = 'multi configuration write' else: message = 'multi configuration write: ' + message packets = [] for chip_reg_pair in chip_reg_pairs: if not isinstance(chip_reg_pair, tuple): chip_reg_pair = (chip_reg_pair, None) chip_key, registers = chip_reg_pair if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) one_chip_packets = chip.get_configuration_packets( Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET, registers) packets.extend(one_chip_packets) already_listening = False if already_listening = mess_with_listening = write_read != 0 and not already_listening if mess_with_listening: self.start_listening() stop_time = time.time() + write_read self.send(packets) if mess_with_listening: sleep_time = stop_time - time.time() if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) #time.sleep(stop_time - time.time()) packets, bytestream = self.stop_listening() self.store_packets(packets, bytestream, message)
[docs] def multi_read_configuration(self, chip_reg_pairs, timeout=1, message=None): ''' Send multiple read configuration commands at once. ``chip_reg_pairs`` should be a list/iterable whose elements are chip keys (to read entire configuration) or (chip_key, registers) tuples to read only the specified register(s). Registers could be ``None`` (i.e. all), an ``int`` for that register only, or an iterable of ints. Examples: These first 2 are equivalent and read the full configurations >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([chip_key1, chip_key2, ...]) >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([(chip_key1, None), chip_key2, ...]) These 2 read the specified registers for the specified chips in the specified order >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([(chip_key1, 1), (chip_key2, 2), ...]) >>> controller.multi_read_configuration([(chip_key1, range(10)), chip_key2, ...]) ''' if message is None: message = 'multi configuration read' else: message = 'multi configuration read: ' + message packets = [] for chip_reg_pair in chip_reg_pairs: if not isinstance(chip_reg_pair, tuple): chip_reg_pair = (chip_reg_pair, None) chip_key, registers = chip_reg_pair if registers is None: registers = list(range(Configuration.num_registers)) elif isinstance(registers, int): registers = [registers] else: pass chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) one_chip_packets = chip.get_configuration_packets( Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET, registers) packets += one_chip_packets already_listening = False if already_listening = if not already_listening: self.start_listening() stop_time = time.time() + timeout self.send(packets) if not already_listening: sleep_time = stop_time - time.time() if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) #time.sleep(stop_time - time.time()) packets, bytestream = self.stop_listening() self.store_packets(packets, bytestream, message)
[docs] def run(self, timelimit, message): ''' Read data from the LArPix ASICs for the given ``timelimit`` and associate the received Packets with the given ``message``. ''' sleeptime = 0.1 self.start_listening() start_time = time.time() packets = [] bytestreams = [] while time.time() - start_time < timelimit: time.sleep(sleeptime) read_packets, read_bytestream = packets.extend(read_packets) bytestreams.append(read_bytestream) self.stop_listening() data = b''.join(bytestreams) self.store_packets(packets, data, message)
[docs] def verify_configuration(self, chip_keys=None, timeout=0.1): ''' Read chip configuration from specified chip(s) and return ``True`` if the read chip configuration matches the current configuration stored in chip instance. ``chip_keys`` can be a single chip key, a list of chip keys, or ``None``. If ``chip_keys`` is ``None`` all chips will be verified. Also returns a dict containing the values of registers that are different (read register, stored register) ''' return_value = True different_fields = {} if chip_keys is None: return self.verify_configuration(chip_keys=list(self.chips.keys())) elif isinstance(chip_keys, list): for chip_key in chip_keys: match, chip_fields = self.verify_configuration(chip_keys=chip_key) if not match: different_fields[chip_key] = chip_fields return_value = False else: chip_key = chip_keys chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) self.read_configuration(chip_key, timeout=timeout) configuration_data = {} for packet in self.reads[-1]: if (packet.packet_type == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET and packet.chip_key == chip_key): configuration_data[packet.register_address] = packet.register_data expected_data = {} for register_address, bits in enumerate(chip.config.all_data()): expected_data[register_address] = int(bits.to01(),2) if not configuration_data == expected_data: return_value = False for register_address in expected_data: if register_address in configuration_data.keys(): if not configuration_data[register_address] == expected_data[register_address]: different_fields[register_address] = (expected_data[register_address], configuration_data[register_address]) else: different_fields[register_address] = (expected_data[register_address], None) return (return_value, different_fields)
[docs] def read_channel_pedestal(self, chip_key, channel, run_time=0.1): ''' Set channel threshold to 0 and report back on the recieved adcs from channel Returns mean, rms, and packet collection ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) # Store previous state prev_channel_mask = chip.config.channel_mask prev_global_threshold = chip.config.global_threshold prev_pixel_trim_thresholds = chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds # Set new configuration self.disable(chip_key=chip_key) self.enable(chip_key=chip_key, channel_list=[channel]) chip.config.global_threshold = 0 chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds = [31]*32 chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds[channel] = 0 self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses + Configuration.pixel_trim_threshold_addresses + [Configuration.global_threshold_address]),'clear buffer') # Collect data,'read_channel_pedestal_c{}_ch{}'.format(chip_key, channel)) self.disable(chip_key=chip_key) adcs = self.reads[-2].extract('adc_counts', chip_key=chip_key, channel=channel) mean = 0 rms = 0 if len(adcs) > 0: mean = float(sum(adcs)) / len(adcs) rms = math.sqrt(float(sum([adc**2 for adc in adcs]))/len(adcs) - mean**2) else: print('No packets received from chip {}, channel {}'.format(chip_key, channel)) # Restore previous state chip.config.channel_mask = prev_channel_mask chip.config.global_threshold = prev_global_threshold chip.config.pixel_trim_thresholds = prev_pixel_trim_thresholds self.write_configuration(chip, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses + Configuration.pixel_trim_threshold_addresses + [Configuration.global_threshold_address]),'clear buffer') return (adcs, mean, rms)
[docs] def enable_analog_monitor(self, chip_key, channel): ''' Enable the analog monitor on a single channel on the specified chip. Note: If monitoring a different chip, call disable_analog_monitor first to ensure that the monitor to that chip is disconnected. ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.config.disable_analog_monitor() chip.config.enable_analog_monitor(channel) self.write_configuration(chip_key, Configuration.csa_monitor_select_addresses) return
[docs] def disable_analog_monitor(self, chip_key=None, channel=None): ''' Disable the analog monitor for a specified chip and channel, if none are specified disable the analog monitor for all chips in self.chips and all channels ''' if chip_key is None: for chip in self.chips: self.disable_analog_monitor(chip_key=chip_key, channel=channel) elif channel is None: for channel in range(32): self.disable_analog_monitor(chip_key=chip_key, channel=channel) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.config.disable_analog_monitor() self.write_configuration(chip_key, Configuration.csa_monitor_select_addresses) return
[docs] def enable_testpulse(self, chip_key, channel_list, start_dac=255): ''' Prepare chip for pulsing - enable testpulser and set a starting dac value for specified chip/channel ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.config.disable_testpulse() chip.config.enable_testpulse(channel_list) chip.config.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude = start_dac self.write_configuration(chip_key, Configuration.csa_testpulse_enable_addresses + [Configuration.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_address]) return
[docs] def issue_testpulse(self, chip_key, pulse_dac, min_dac=0): ''' Reduce the testpulser dac by pulse_dac and write_read to chip for 0.1s ''' chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.config.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude -= pulse_dac if chip.config.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude < min_dac: raise ValueError('Minimum DAC exceeded') self.write_configuration(chip_key, [Configuration.csa_testpulse_dac_amplitude_address], write_read=0.1) return self.reads[-1]
[docs] def disable_testpulse(self, chip_key=None, channel_list=range(32)): ''' Disable testpulser for specified chip/channels. If none specified, disable for all chips/channels ''' if chip_key is None: for chip_key in self.chips.keys(): self.disable_testpulse(chip_key=chip_key, channel_list=channel_list) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.config.disable_testpulse(channel_list) self.write_configuration(chip_key, Configuration.csa_testpulse_enable_addresses) return
[docs] def disable(self, chip_key=None, channel_list=range(32)): ''' Update channel mask to disable specified chips/channels. If none specified, disable all chips/channels ''' if chip_key is None: for chip_key in self.chips.keys(): self.disable(chip_key=chip_key, channel_list=channel_list) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.config.disable_channels(channel_list) self.write_configuration(chip_key, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses)
[docs] def enable(self, chip_key=None, channel_list=range(32)): ''' Update channel mask to enable specified chips/channels. If none specified, enable all chips/channels ''' if chip_key is None: for chip_key in self.chips.keys(): self.enable(chip_key=chip_key, channel_list=channel_list) else: chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.config.enable_channels(channel_list) self.write_configuration(chip_key, Configuration.channel_mask_addresses)
[docs] def store_packets(self, packets, data, message): ''' Store the packets in ``self`` and in ``self.chips`` ''' new_packets = PacketCollection(packets, data, message) new_packets.read_id = self.nreads self.nreads += 1 self.reads.append(new_packets)
[docs] def sort_packets(self, collection): ''' Sort the packets in ``collection`` into each chip in ``self.all_chips`` (if ``self.use_all_chips``) or ``self.chips`` (otherwise). ''' by_chip_key = collection.by_chip_key() for chip_key in by_chip_key.keys(): if chip_key in self.chips.keys(): chip = self.get_chip(chip_key) chip.reads.append(by_chip_key[chip_key]) elif not self._test_mode: print('Warning chip key {} not in chips.'.format(chip_key))
[docs] def save_output(self, filename, message): '''Save the data read by each chip to the specified file.''' data = {} data['reads'] = [collection.to_dict() for collection in self.reads] data['chips'] = [repr(chip) for chip in self.chips.values()] data['message'] = message with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4, separators=(',',':'), sort_keys=True)
[docs]class Packet(object): ''' A single 54-bit LArPix UART data packet. LArPix Packet objects have attributes for inspecting and modifying the contents of the packet. Internally, packets are represented as an array of bits, and the different attributes use Python "properties" to seamlessly convert between the bits representation and a more intuitive integer representation. The bits representation can be inspected with the ``bits`` attribute. Packet objects do not restrict you from adjusting an attribute for an inappropriate packet type. For example, you can create a data packet and then set ``packet.register_address = 5``. This will adjust the packet bits corresponding to a configuration packet's "register\_address" region, which is probably not what you want for your data packet. Packets have a parity bit which enforces odd parity, i.e. the sum of all the individual bits in a packet must be an odd number. The parity bit can be accessed as above using the ``parity_bit_value`` attribute. The correct parity bit can be computed using ``compute_parity()``, and the validity of a packet's parity can be checked using ``has_valid_parity()``. When constructing a new packet, the correct parity bit can be assigned using ``assign_parity()``. Individual packets can be printed to show a human-readable interpretation of the packet contents. The printed version adjusts its output based on the packet type, so a data packet will show the data word, timestamp, etc., while a configuration packet will show the register address and register data. ''' size = 54 num_bytes = 7 # These ranges are reversed from the bit addresses given in the # LArPix datasheet because BitArray indexing is big-endian but we # transmit data little-endian-ly. E.g.: # >>> x = BitArray('0b00') # >>> x[0:] = bin(2) # ('0b10') # >>> x[0] # returns True (1) # Another way to think of it is BitArray indexing reads the # bitstream from 0:N but all the LArPix datasheet indexing goes from # N:0. packet_type_bits = slice(52, 54) chipid_bits = slice(44, 52) parity_bit = 0 parity_calc_bits = slice(1, 54) channel_id_bits = slice(37, 44) timestamp_bits = slice(13, 37) dataword_bits = slice(3, 13) fifo_half_bit = 2 fifo_full_bit = 1 register_address_bits = slice(36, 44) register_data_bits = slice(28, 36) config_unused_bits = slice(1, 28) test_counter_bits_11_0 = slice(1, 13) test_counter_bits_15_12 = slice(40, 44) DATA_PACKET = bitarray('00') TEST_PACKET = bitarray('01') CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET = bitarray('10') CONFIG_READ_PACKET = bitarray('11') _bit_padding = bitarray('00') def __init__(self, bytestream=None): if bytestream is None: self.bits = bitarray(Packet.size) self.bits.setall(False) return elif len(bytestream) == Packet.num_bytes: # Parse the bytestream. Remember that bytestream[0] goes at # the 'end' of the BitArray reversed_bytestream = bytestream[::-1] self.bits = bitarray() self.bits.frombytes(reversed_bytestream) # Get rid of the padding (now at the beginning of the # bitstream because of the reverse order) self.bits.pop(0) self.bits.pop(0) else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of bytes: %s' % len(bytestream)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.bits == other.bits def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __str__(self): string = '[ ' string += 'Chip key: {} | '.format(self.chip_key) ptype = self.packet_type if ptype == Packet.TEST_PACKET: string += 'Test | ' string += 'Counter: %d | ' % self.test_counter elif ptype == Packet.DATA_PACKET: string += 'Data | ' string += 'Channel: %d | ' % self.channel_id string += 'Timestamp: %d | ' % self.timestamp string += 'ADC data: %d | ' % self.dataword string += 'FIFO Half: %s | ' % bool(self.fifo_half_flag) string += 'FIFO Full: %s | ' % bool(self.fifo_full_flag) elif (ptype == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET or ptype == Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET): if ptype == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: string += 'Config read | ' else: string += 'Config write | ' string += 'Register: %d | ' % self.register_address string += 'Value: % d | ' % self.register_data first_splitter = string.find('|') string = (string[:first_splitter] + '| Chip: %d ' % self.chipid + string[first_splitter:]) string += ('Parity: %d (valid: %s) ]' % (self.parity_bit_value, self.has_valid_parity())) return string def __repr__(self): return 'Packet(' + str(self.bytes()) + ')'
[docs] def bytes(self): ''' Construct the bytes that make up the packet. Byte 0 is the first byte that would be sent out and contains the first 8 bits of the packet (i.e. packet type and part of the chip ID). *Note*: The internal bits representation of the packet has a different endian-ness compared to the output of this method. ''' # Here's the only other place we have to deal with the # endianness issue by reversing the order padded_output = self._bit_padding + self.bits bytes_output = padded_output.tobytes() return bytes_output[::-1]
[docs] def export(self): '''Return a dict representation of this Packet.''' type_map = { self.TEST_PACKET.to01(): 'test', self.DATA_PACKET.to01(): 'data', self.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET.to01(): 'config write', self.CONFIG_READ_PACKET.to01(): 'config read' } d = {} d['chip_key'] = self.chip_key d['bits'] = self.bits.to01() d['type'] = type_map[self.packet_type.to01()] d['chipid'] = self.chipid d['parity'] = self.parity_bit_value d['valid_parity'] = self.has_valid_parity() ptype = self.packet_type if ptype == Packet.TEST_PACKET: d['counter'] = self.test_counter elif ptype == Packet.DATA_PACKET: d['channel'] = self.channel_id d['timestamp'] = self.timestamp d['adc_counts'] = self.dataword d['fifo_half'] = bool(self.fifo_half_flag) d['fifo_full'] = bool(self.fifo_full_flag) elif (ptype == Packet.CONFIG_READ_PACKET or ptype == Packet.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET): d['register'] = self.register_address d['value'] = self.register_data return d
@property def chip_key(self): try: return self._chip_key except AttributeError: return None @chip_key.setter def chip_key(self, value): self._chip_key = value @property def packet_type(self): return self.bits[Packet.packet_type_bits] @packet_type.setter def packet_type(self, value): self.bits[Packet.packet_type_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.packet_type_bits) @property def chipid(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.chipid_bits]) @chipid.setter def chipid(self, value): self.bits[Packet.chipid_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.chipid_bits) @property def parity_bit_value(self): return int(self.bits[Packet.parity_bit]) @parity_bit_value.setter def parity_bit_value(self, value): self.bits[Packet.parity_bit] = bool(value) def compute_parity(self): return 1 - (self.bits[Packet.parity_calc_bits].count(True) % 2) def assign_parity(self): self.parity_bit_value = self.compute_parity() def has_valid_parity(self): return self.parity_bit_value == self.compute_parity() @property def channel_id(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.channel_id_bits]) @channel_id.setter def channel_id(self, value): self.bits[Packet.channel_id_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.channel_id_bits) @property def timestamp(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.timestamp_bits]) @timestamp.setter def timestamp(self, value): self.bits[Packet.timestamp_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.timestamp_bits) @property def dataword(self): ostensible_value = bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.dataword_bits]) # TODO fix in LArPix v2 return ostensible_value - (ostensible_value % 2) @dataword.setter def dataword(self, value): self.bits[Packet.dataword_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.dataword_bits) @property def fifo_half_flag(self): return int(self.bits[Packet.fifo_half_bit]) @fifo_half_flag.setter def fifo_half_flag(self, value): self.bits[Packet.fifo_half_bit] = bool(value) @property def fifo_full_flag(self): return int(self.bits[Packet.fifo_full_bit]) @fifo_full_flag.setter def fifo_full_flag(self, value): self.bits[Packet.fifo_full_bit] = bool(value) @property def register_address(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.register_address_bits]) @register_address.setter def register_address(self, value): self.bits[Packet.register_address_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.register_address_bits) @property def register_data(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.register_data_bits]) @register_data.setter def register_data(self, value): self.bits[Packet.register_data_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, Packet.register_data_bits) @property def test_counter(self): return bah.touint(self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_15_12] + self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_11_0]) @test_counter.setter def test_counter(self, value): allbits = bah.fromuint(value, 16) self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_15_12] = ( bah.fromuint(allbits[:4], Packet.test_counter_bits_15_12)) self.bits[Packet.test_counter_bits_11_0] = ( bah.fromuint(allbits[4:], Packet.test_counter_bits_11_0))
[docs]class PacketCollection(object): ''' Represents a group of packets that were sent to or received from LArPix. Index into the PacketCollection as if it were a list: >>> collection[0] Packet(b'\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') >>> first_ten = collection[:10] >>> len(first_ten) 10 >>> type(first_ten) larpix.larpix.PacketCollection >>> first_ten.message 'my packets | subset slice(None, 10, None)' To view the bits representation, add 'bits' to the index: >>> collection[0, 'bits'] '00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000111' >>> bits_format_first_10 = collection[:10, 'bits'] >>> type(bits_format_first_10[0]) str ''' def __init__(self, packets, bytestream=None, message='', read_id=None, skipped=None): self.packets = packets self.bytestream = bytestream self.skipped = skipped self.message = message self.read_id = read_id self.parent = None def __eq__(self, other): ''' Return True if the packets, message and bytestream compare equal. ''' return (self.packets == other.packets and self.message == other.message and self.bytestream == other.bytestream) def __repr__(self): return '<%s with %d packets, read_id %d, "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self.packets), self.read_id, self.message) def __str__(self): if len(self.packets) < 20: return '\n'.join(str(packet) for packet in self.packets) else: beginning = '\n'.join(str(packet) for packet in self.packets[:10]) middle = '\n'.join([' .', ' . omitted %d packets' % (len(self.packets)-20), ' .']) end = '\n'.join(str(packet) for packet in self.packets[-10:]) return '\n'.join([beginning, middle, end]) def __len__(self): return len(self.packets) def __getitem__(self, key): ''' Get the specified item(s). If key is an int, return the packet object at that index in self.packets. If key is a slice, return a PacketCollection with the specified packets, and with a message inherited from self.message. If key is (slice or int, 'str'), use the behavior as if setting key = key[0]. If key is (int, 'bits'), return a string representation of the bits of the specified packet, as determined by self._bits_getitem. If key is (slice, 'bits'), return a list of string representations of the packets specified by the slice. ''' if isinstance(key, slice): items = PacketCollection([p for p in self.packets[key]]) items.message = '%s | subset %s' % (self.message, key) items.parent = self items.read_id = self.read_id return items elif isinstance(key, tuple): if key[1] == 'bits': return self._bits_getitem(key[0]) elif key[1] == 'str': return self[key[0]] else: return self.packets[key] def _bits_getitem(self, key): ''' Replace each packet with a string of the packet bits grouped 8 bits at a time. ''' if isinstance(key, slice): return [' '.join(p.bits.to01()[i:i+8] for i in range(0, Packet.size, 8)) for p in self.packets[key]] else: return ' '.join(self.packets[key].bits.to01()[i:i+8] for i in range(0, Packet.size, 8))
[docs] def to_dict(self): ''' Export the information in this PacketCollection to a dict. ''' d = {} d['packets'] = [packet.export() for packet in self.packets] d['id'] = id(self) d['parent'] = 'None' if self.parent is None else id(self.parent) d['message'] = str(self.message) d['read_id'] = 'None' if self.read_id is None else self.read_id d['bytestream'] = ('None' if self.bytestream is None else self.bytestream.decode('raw_unicode_escape')) return d
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): ''' Load the information in the dict into this PacketCollection. ''' self.message = d['message'] self.read_id = d['read_id'] self.bytestream = d['bytestream'].encode('raw_unicode_escape') self.parent = None self.packets = [] for p in d['packets']: bits = p['bits'] packet = Packet() packet.bits = bitarray(bits) self.packets.append(packet)
[docs] def extract(self, attr, **selection): ''' Extract the given attribute from packets specified by selection and return a list. Any key used in Packet.export is a valid attribute or selection: - all packets: - chip_key - bits - type (data, test, config read, config write) - chipid - parity - valid_parity - data packets: - channel - timestamp - adc_counts - fifo_half - fifo_full - test packets: - counter - config packets: - register - value Usage: >>> # Return a list of adc counts from any data packets >>> adc_data = collection.extract('adc_counts') >>> # Return a list of timestamps from chip 2 data >>> timestamps = collection.extract('timestamp', chipid=2) >>> # Return the most recently read global threshold from chip 5 >>> threshold = collection.extract('value', register=32, type='config read', chip=5)[-1] ''' values = [] for p in self.packets: try: d = p.export() if all( d[key] == value for key, value in selection.items()): values.append(d[attr]) except KeyError: continue return values
[docs] def origin(self): ''' Return the original PacketCollection that this PacketCollection derives from. ''' child = self parent = self.parent max_generations = 100 # to prevent infinite loops i = 0 while parent is not None and i < max_generations: # Move up the family tree one generation child = parent parent = parent.parent i += 1 if parent is None: return child else: raise ValueError('Reached limit on generations: %d' % max_generations)
[docs] def with_chip_key(self, chip_key): ''' Return packets with the specified chip key. ''' return [packet for packet in self.packets if packet.chip_key == chip_key]
[docs] def by_chip_key(self): ''' Return a dict of { chipid: PacketCollection }. ''' chip_groups = {} for packet in self.packets: # append packet to list if list exists, else append to empty # list as a default chip_groups.setdefault(packet.chip_key, []).append(packet) to_return = {} for chip_key in chip_groups: new_collection = PacketCollection(chip_groups[chip_key]) new_collection.message = self.message + ' | chip {}'.format(chip_key) new_collection.read_id = self.read_id new_collection.parent = self to_return[chipid] = new_collection return to_return
[docs] def with_chipid(self, chipid): ''' Return packets with the specified chip ID. ''' return [packet for packet in self.packets if packet.chipid == chipid]
[docs] def by_chipid(self): ''' Return a dict of { chipid: PacketCollection }. ''' chip_groups = {} for packet in self.packets: # append packet to list if list exists, else append to empty # list as a default chip_groups.setdefault(packet.chipid, []).append(packet) to_return = {} for chipid in chip_groups: new_collection = PacketCollection(chip_groups[chipid]) new_collection.message = self.message + ' | chip %s' % chipid new_collection.read_id = self.read_id new_collection.parent = self to_return[chipid] = new_collection return to_return