IO configuration files

This module contains io configuration files used by io classes to look up detector components based on the io_group and io_channel contained within chip keys. See the larpix core documentation for more details on larpix.Key objects.

JSON formatting

The format is a standard JSON file structured as follows:

    "_config_type": "io",
    "io_class": "<name of io class config should be used with>",
    "io_group": [
        [<io group number>, <assoc. value to be used by io class>],

Field description

The "_config_type": "io" field is used in loading for validation (so that you don’t accidentally try to load a chip config into your io class. This will always be “io” for io confiugration files.

The "io_class": "<name>" field is used to specify the io class that the configuration is compatible with. Examples are provided for each built-in io class.

The "io_group": [[<group #>, <io class spec.>], ...] list is a list of pairs used to create a map between the io_group number and the internal representation used by the io class. E.g. the MultiZMQ_IO uses the IP address to identify the io_group.