PACMAN IO Interface

class, hwm=20000, relaxed=True, timeout=-1)[source]

The PACMAN_IO object interfaces with a network of PACMAN boards each running a pacman-cmdserver and pacman-dataserver.

This object handles the ZMQ messaging protocol to send and receive formatted messages to/from the PACMAN boards. If you want more info on how messages are formatted, see larpix.format.pacman_msg_format.

The PACMAN_IO object has three flags for optimizing communications which you may or may not want to enable:


To enable each option set the flag to True; to disable, set to False.

The group_packets_by_io_group option is enabled by default and assembles the packets sent in each call to send into as few messages as possible destined for a single io group. E.g. sending three packets (2 for io_group=1, 1 for io_group=2) will combine the packets for io_group=1 into a single message to transfer over the network. This reduces overhead associated with network latency and allows large data transfers to happen much faster.

The interleave_packets_by_io_channel option is enabled by default and interleaves packets within a given message to each io_channel on a given io_group. E.g. 3 packets destined for io_channel=1, io_channel=1, and io_channel=2 will be reordered to io_channel=1, io_channel=2, and io_channel=1. The order of the packets is preserved for each io_channel. This increases the data throughput by about a factor of N, where N is the number of io channels in the message.

The double_send_packets option is disabled by default and duplicates each packet sent to the PACMAN by a call to send(). This is useful for working around the 512 bug when you need to insure that a packet reaches a chip, but you don’t care about introducing extra packets into the system (i.e. when configuring chips).


Sends a request message to PACMAN boards to send designated packets.


Start keeping msgs from data server


Stop keeping msgs from data server


Fetch and parse waiting packets on pacman data socket

returns tuple of list of packets, full bytestream of all messages


Close the ZMQ objects to prevent a memory leak.

This method is only required if you plan on instantiating a new PACMAN_IO object.

set_reg(reg, val, io_group=None)[source]

Set a 32-bit register in the pacman PL

get_reg(reg, io_group=None)[source]

Read a 32-bit register from the pacman PL

If no io_group is specified, returns a dict of io_group, reg_value else returns reg_value


Send a ping message

If no io_group is specified, returns a dict of io_group, response else returns response


Gets PACMAN VDDD voltage

Returns VDDD and IDDD values from the built-in ADC as a tuple of mV and mA respectively

set_vddd(vddd_dac=54691, io_group=None, settling_time=0.1)[source]

Sets PACMAN VDDD voltage

If no vddd_dac value is specified, sets VDDD to default of ~1.8V

Returns the resulting VDDD and IDDD values from the built-in ADC as a tuple of mV and mA respectively


Gets PACMAN VDDA voltage

Returns VDDA and IDDA values from the built-in ADC as a tuple of mV and mA respectively

set_vdda(vdda_dac=54691, io_group=None, settling_time=0.1)[source]

Sets PACMAN VDDA voltage

If no vdda_dac value is specified, sets VDDA to default of ~1.8V

Returns the resulting VDDA and IDDA values from the built-in ADC as a tuple of mV and mA respectively


Gets PACMAN Vplus voltage

Returns Vplus and Iplus values from the built-in ADC as a tuple of mV and mA respectively

enable_tile(tile_indices=None, io_group=None)[source]

Enables the specified pixel tile(s) (first tile is index=0, second tile is index=1, …).

Returns the value of the new tile enable mask

disable_tile(tile_indices=None, io_group=None)[source]

Disables the specified pixel tile(s) (first tile is index=0, second tile is index=1, …).

Returns the value of the new tile enable mask

set_uart_clock_ratio(channel, ratio, io_group=None)[source]

Sets PACMAN UART clock speed relative to the larpix master clock for the specified channel

For a nominal 10MHz clock, a ratio value of 4 results in a 2.5MHz UART clock.

Returns the value of the UART clock register that was set

reset_larpix(length=256, io_group=None)[source]

Issues a reset of the specified length (in larpix MCLK cycles).

If no length specified, issue a hard reset.

Returns the value of the clock/reset control register after the reset