Source code for larpix.format.pacman_msg_format

A python interface to the pacman ZMQ message format.

The pacman ZMQ messages are a raw bytestring with two components: a short
header and N words. It's a bit cumbersome to work with bytestrings in data (and
keep track of endianness / etc), so this module allows you to translate between
native python objects and the pacman message bytestring.

To import this module::

    import larpix.format.pacman_msg_format as pacman_msg_fmt

Access to the message content is provided by the ``parse_msg(msg)`` method which
takes a single pacman message bytestring as an argument, e.g.::

    msg = b'!-----\x01\x00P---------------' # a simple ping response
    data = pacman_msg_fmt.parse_msg(msg) # (('REP',123456,1), [('PONG')])
    msg = b'D-----\x01\x00D\x01------datadata' # a simple data message
    data = pacman_msg_fmt.parse_msg(msg) # (('DATA',123456,1), [('DATA',1,1234,b'datadata')])

The creation of messages can be performed with the inverse method,
``format_msg(msg_type, msg_words)``. Here, the ``msg_type`` is one of ``'DATA'``,
``'REQ'``, or ``'REP'``, and ``msg_words`` is a ``list`` of tuples indicating the word
type (index 0) and the word data (index 1, 2, ...). Word types are specified
by strings that can be found in the ``word_type_table``. The necessary fields
(and primitive types) for the word data is described in the ``word_fmt_table``.

    data = ('REP', [('PONG')]) # simple ping response
    msg = pacman_msg_fmt.format_msg(*data) # b'!----\x00\x01\x00P\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
    data = ('DATA', [('DATA',1,1234,b'datadata')])
    msg = pacman_msg_fmt.format_msg(*data) # b'D----\x00\x01\x00D\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00datadata'

To facilitate translating to/from ``larpix-control`` packet objects, you can use
the ``format(pkts, msg_type)`` and ``parse(msg, io_group=None)`` methods. E.g.::

    packet = Packet_v2()
    packet.io_channel = 1
    msg = pacman_msg_fmt.format([packet]) # b'?----\x00\x01\x00D\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

    packets = pacman_msg_fmt.parse(msg, io_group=1) # [Packet_v2(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')]
    packets[0].io_group # 1

Note that no ``io_group`` data is contained within a pacman message. This means
that when formatting messages, packets' ``io_group`` field is ignored, and when
parsing messages, an ``io_group`` value needs to be specified at the time of

import struct
from bidict import bidict
import time

from larpix import Packet_v2, TriggerPacket, SyncPacket, TimestampPacket


msg_type_table = bidict([
word_type_table = dict(

msg_header_fmt = '<cLxH'
msg_header_struct = struct.Struct(msg_header_fmt)

word_fmt_table = dict(
word_struct_table = dict([
    (word_type, struct.Struct(word_fmt))
    for word_type, word_fmt in word_fmt_table.items()

[docs]def format_header(msg_type, msg_words): ''' Generates a header-formatted bytestring of message type ``msg_type`` and with ``msg_words`` specified words ''' return msg_header_struct.pack( msg_type_table[msg_type], int(time.time()), msg_words )
[docs]def format_word(msg_type, word_type, *data): ''' Generates a word-formatted bytestring of word type specified by the ``msg_type`` and ``word_type``. The data contained within the word should be passed in as additional positional arguments in the order that they appear in the word (least significant byte first). E.g. for a data word:: data_word = format_word('DATA','DATA',<io_channel>,<receipt_timestamp>,<data_word_content>) ''' return word_struct_table[word_type].pack( word_type_table[msg_type][word_type], *data )
[docs]def parse_header(msg): ''' Returns a tuple of the data contained in the header:: (<msg type>, <msg time>, <msg words>) ''' msg_header_data = msg_header_struct.unpack(msg[:HEADER_LEN]) return (msg_type_table.inv[msg_header_data[0]],) + tuple(msg_header_data[1:])
[docs]def parse_word(msg_type, word): ''' Returns a tuple of data contained in word (little endian), first item is always the word type ''' word_type = word_type_table[msg_type].inv[word[0:1]] return (word_type,) + tuple(word_struct_table[word_type].unpack(word)[1:])
[docs]def format_msg(msg_type, msg_words): ''' ``msg_words`` should be a list of tuples that can be unpacked and passed into ``format_word`` ''' bytestream = format_header(msg_type, len(msg_words)) for msg_word in msg_words: bytestream += format_word(msg_type, *msg_word) return bytestream
[docs]def parse_msg(msg): ''' returns a tuple of:: (<header data>, [<word 0 data>, ...]) ''' header = parse_header(msg) words = list() for idx in range(HEADER_LEN,len(msg),WORD_LEN): words.append(parse_word( header[0], msg[idx:idx+WORD_LEN] )) return header, words
def _replace_none(obj, attr, default=0): return getattr(obj, attr) if getattr(obj, attr) is not None else default def _packet_data_req(pkt, *args): if isinstance(pkt, Packet_v2): return ('TX', _replace_none(pkt,'io_channel'), pkt.bytes()) return tuple() def _packet_data_data(pkt, ts_pacman, *args): if isinstance(pkt, Packet_v2): return ('DATA', _replace_none(pkt,'io_channel'), pkt.receipt_timestamp if hasattr(pkt,'receipt_timestamp') else ts_pacman, pkt.bytes()) elif isinstance(pkt, SyncPacket): return ('SYNC', _replace_none(pkt,'sync_type'), _replace_none(pkt,'clk_source'), _replace_none(pkt,'timestamp')) elif isinstance(pkt, TriggerPacket): return ('TRIG', _replace_none(pkt,'trigger_type'), _replace_none(pkt,'timestamp'))
[docs]def format(packets, msg_type='REQ', ts_pacman=0): ''' Converts larpix packets into a single PACMAN message. The message header is automatically generated. Note:: For request messages, this method only formats ``Packet_v2`` objects. For data messages, this method only formats ``Packet_v2``, ``SyncPacket``, and ``TriggerPacket`` objects. ''' get_data = _packet_data_req if msg_type == 'DATA': get_data = _packet_data_data word_datas = list() for packet in packets: word_data = get_data(packet, ts_pacman) if len(word_data) == 0: continue word_datas.append(word_data) return format_msg(msg_type, word_datas)
[docs]def parse(msg, io_group=None): ''' Converts a PACMAN message into larpix packets The header is parsed into a ``TimestampPacket``, data words are parsed into ``Packet_v2`` objects, trigger words are parsed into ``TriggerPacket`` objects, and sync words are parsed into ``SyncPacket`` objects. ''' packets = list() header, word_datas = parse_msg(msg) packets.append(TimestampPacket(timestamp=header[1])) packets[0].io_group = io_group for word_data in word_datas: packet = None if word_data[0] in ('TX', 'DATA'): packet = Packet_v2(word_data[-1]) packet.receipt_timestamp = word_data[2] packet.io_group = io_group packet.io_channel = word_data[1] elif word_data[0] is 'TRIG': packet = TriggerPacket(trigger_type=word_data[1], timestamp=word_data[2]) packet.io_group = io_group elif word_data[0] is 'SYNC': packet = SyncPacket(sync_type=word_data[1], clk_source=word_data[2] & 0x01, timestamp=word_data[3]) packet.io_group = io_group if packet is not None: packets.append(packet) return packets