Source code for larpix.packet.packet_v2

from bitarray import bitarray

from .. import bitarrayhelper as bah
from ..key import Key

def _clears_cached_int(func):
    Modify a class function so that it deletes the cached `_int` attribute, if it

    def new_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._int = None
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return new_func

def _clears_cached_chip_key(func):
    Modify a class function so that it deletes the cached `_chip_key` attribute, if it

    def new_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if hasattr(self, '_chip_key'):
            del self._chip_key
        return func(self,*args,**kwargs)
    return new_func

[docs]class Packet_v2(object): ''' Representation of a 64 bit LArPix v2 (or LightPix v1) UART data packet. Packet_v2 objects are internally represented as bitarrays, but a variety of helper properties allow one to access and set the data stored in the bitarrays in a natural fashion. E.g.:: p = Packet_v2() # initialize a packet of zeros p.packet_type # fetch packet type bits and convert to uint p.packet_type = 2 # set the packet type to a config write packet print(p.bits) # the bits have been updated! Packet_v2 objects don't enforce any value validation, so set these fields with caution! In FIFO diagnostics mode, the bits are to be interpreted in a different way. At this point, there is no way for the ``Packet_v2`` to automatically know if it is in FIFO diagnostics mode. If you are operating the chips in this mode you can manually set ``Packet_v2.fifo_diagnostics_enabled = True`` to interpret data packets in this fashion by default, or set ``packet.fifo_diagnostics_enabled = True`` for a single packet. Just remember that if you modify ``packet.fifo_diagnostics_enabled``, it will no longer use the default. ''' asic_version = 2 size = 64 num_bytes = 8 # shared by all packet types packet_type_bits = slice(0,2) chip_id_bits = slice(2,10) downstream_marker_bits = slice(62,63) parity_bits = slice(63,64) parity_calc_bits = slice(0,63) # only data packets channel_id_bits = slice(10,16) timestamp_bits = slice(16,47) first_packet_bits = slice(47,48) dataword_bits = slice(48,56) trigger_type_bits = slice(56,58) local_fifo_bits = slice(58,60) shared_fifo_bits = slice(60,62) # only if fifo diagnostics enabled fifo_diagnostics_timestamp_bits = slice(16,32) local_fifo_events_bits = slice(44,46) shared_fifo_events_bits = slice(32,44) # only read/write packets register_address_bits = slice(10,18) register_data_bits = slice(18,26) fifo_diagnostics_enabled = False DATA_PACKET = 0 TEST_PACKET = 1 CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET = 2 CONFIG_READ_PACKET = 3 NORMAL_TRIG = 0 EXT_TRIG = 1 CROSS_TRIG = 2 PERIODIC_TRIG = 3 endian = 'little' def __init__(self, bytestream=None): self._int = None if bytestream is None: self.bits = bitarray(self.size,endian=self.endian) self.bits.setall(False) return elif len(bytestream) == self.num_bytes: self.bits = bitarray(endian=self.endian) self.bits.frombytes(bytestream) else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of bytes: %s' % len(bytestream)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.bits == other.bits def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __str__(self): strings = [] if hasattr(self, 'direction'): strings += ['Direction: {}'.format(self.direction)] strings += ['Key: {}'.format(self.chip_key)] strings += ['Chip: {}'.format(self.chip_id)] if self.downstream_marker: strings += ['Downstream'] else: strings += ['Upstream'] if self.packet_type == self.DATA_PACKET: strings += ['Data'] strings += ['Channel: {}'.format(self.channel_id)] strings += ['Timestamp: {}'.format(self.timestamp)] strings += ['First packet: {}'.format(self.first_packet)] strings += ['Dataword: {}'.format(self.dataword)] strings += ['Trigger: {}'.format({ self.NORMAL_TRIG: 'normal', self.EXT_TRIG: 'external', self.CROSS_TRIG: 'cross', self.PERIODIC_TRIG: 'periodic' }[self.trigger_type])] if self.local_fifo_full: strings += ['Local FIFO 100%'] elif self.local_fifo_half: strings += ['Local FIFO >50%'] else: strings += ['Local FIFO ok'] if self.shared_fifo_full: strings += ['Shared FIFO 100%'] elif self.shared_fifo_half: strings += ['Shared FIFO >50%'] else: strings += ['Shared FIFO ok'] if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: strings += ['Local FIFO: {}'.format(self.local_fifo_events)] strings += ['Shared FIFO: {}'.format(self.shared_fifo_events)] elif self.packet_type == self.TEST_PACKET: strings += ['Test'] elif self.packet_type in (self.CONFIG_READ_PACKET, self.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET): strings += [{ self.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: 'Read', self.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET: 'Write' }[self.packet_type]] strings += ['Register: {}'.format(self.register_address)] strings += ['Value: {}'.format(self.register_data)] if hasattr(self, 'receipt_timestamp'): strings += ['Receipt TS: {}'.format(self.receipt_timestamp)] strings += ['Parity: {} (valid: {})'.format(self.parity, self.has_valid_parity())] return '[ ' + ' | '.join(strings) + ' ]' def __repr__(self): return 'Packet_v2(' + str(self.bytes()) + ')'
[docs] def bytes(self): ''' Create bytes that represent the packet. Byte 0 is still the first byte to send out and contains bits [0:7] ''' return self.bits.tobytes() #[::-1]
[docs] def export(self): ''' Return a dict representation of the packet ''' type_map = { self.TEST_PACKET: 'test', self.DATA_PACKET: 'data', self.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET: 'config write', self.CONFIG_READ_PACKET: 'config read' } d = {} d['asic_version'] = self.asic_version d['chip_key'] = str(self.chip_key) if self.chip_key else None d['io_group'] = self.io_group d['io_channel'] = self.io_channel d['bits'] = self.bits.to01() d['type_str'] = type_map[self.packet_type] d['packet_type'] = self.packet_type d['chip_id'] = self.chip_id d['downstream_marker'] = self.downstream_marker d['parity'] = self.parity d['valid_parity'] = self.has_valid_parity() ptype = self.packet_type if ptype == self.TEST_PACKET: pass elif ptype == self.DATA_PACKET: d['channel_id'] = self.channel_id d['timestamp'] = self.timestamp d['first_packet'] = self.first_packet d['dataword'] = self.dataword d['trigger_type'] = self.trigger_type d['local_fifo'] = self.local_fifo d['shared_fifo'] = self.shared_fifo if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: d['local_fifo_events'] = self.local_fifo_events d['shared_fifo_events'] = self.shared_fifo_events elif (ptype == self.CONFIG_READ_PACKET or ptype == self.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET): d['register_address'] = self.register_address d['register_data'] = self.register_data if hasattr(self,'direction'): d['direction'] = self.direction if hasattr(self,'receipt_timestamp'): d['receipt_timestamp'] = self.receipt_timestamp return d
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): ''' Load from a dict of values, inverse of ``Packet_v2.export`` .. note:: If there is a disagreement between the bits specified and any of the values, this method has undefined results. ''' if not d['asic_version'] == self.asic_version: raise ValueError('invalid asic version {}'.format(d['asic_version'])) if 'type' in d and d['type'] not in (self.DATA_PACKET, self.TEST_PACKET, self.CONFIG_WRITE_PACKET, self.CONFIG_READ_PACKET): raise ValueError('invalid packet type for Packet_v2') if 'local_fifo_events' in d or 'shared_fifo_events' in d: self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled = True for key, value in d.items(): if key in ('type_str', 'valid_parity'): continue elif key == 'bits': self.bits = bitarray(value) else: setattr(self, key, value)
def as_int(self): if self._int is None: self._int = bah.touint(self.bits, endian=self.endian) return self._int @property def chip_key(self): '''''' if hasattr(self, '_chip_key'): return self._chip_key if self.io_group is None or self.io_channel is None: return None self._chip_key = Key(self.io_group, self.io_channel, self.chip_id) return self._chip_key @chip_key.setter @_clears_cached_int @_clears_cached_chip_key def chip_key(self, value): if value is None: self.io_channel = None self.io_group = None return if isinstance(value, Key): self.io_group = value.io_group self.io_channel = value.io_channel self.chip_id = value.chip_id return # try again by casting as a Key self.chip_key = Key(value) @property def io_group(self): '''''' if hasattr(self, '_io_group'): return self._io_group return None @io_group.setter @_clears_cached_chip_key def io_group(self, value): if value is None: if hasattr(self, '_io_group'): del self._io_group return # no value validation! self._io_group = value @property def io_channel(self): if hasattr(self, '_io_channel'): return self._io_channel return None @io_channel.setter @_clears_cached_chip_key def io_channel(self, value): if value is None: if hasattr(self, '_io_channel'): del self._io_channel return # no value validation! self._io_channel = value @property def timestamp(self): if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: return bah.touint(self.bits[self.fifo_diagnostics_timestamp_bits], endian=self.endian) return bah.touint(self.bits[self.timestamp_bits], endian=self.endian) @timestamp.setter @_clears_cached_int def timestamp(self, value): if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: self.bits[self.fifo_diagnostics_timestamp_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, self.fifo_diagnostics_timestamp_bits, endian=self.endian) else: self.bits[self.timestamp_bits] = bah.fromuint(value, self.timestamp_bits, endian=self.endian) @property def local_fifo_half(self): return self.local_fifo%2 @local_fifo_half.setter @_clears_cached_int def local_fifo_half(self, value): self.local_fifo = self.local_fifo_full*2 + value @property def local_fifo_full(self): return self.local_fifo//2 @local_fifo_full.setter @_clears_cached_int def local_fifo_full(self, value): self.local_fifo = value*2 + self.local_fifo_half @property def shared_fifo_half(self): return self.shared_fifo%2 @shared_fifo_half.setter @_clears_cached_int def shared_fifo_half(self, value): self.shared_fifo = self.shared_fifo_full*2 + value @property def shared_fifo_full(self): return self.shared_fifo//2 @shared_fifo_full.setter @_clears_cached_int def shared_fifo_full(self, value): self.shared_fifo = value*2 + self.shared_fifo_half def compute_parity(self): return 1 - (self.bits[self.parity_calc_bits].count(True) % 2) @_clears_cached_int def assign_parity(self): self.parity = self.compute_parity() def has_valid_parity(self): return self.parity == self.compute_parity() @property def local_fifo_events(self): if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: bit_slice = self.local_fifo_events_bits return bah.touint(self.bits[bit_slice], endian=self.endian) return None @local_fifo_events.setter @_clears_cached_int def local_fifo_events(self, value): if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: bit_slice = self.local_fifo_events_bits self.bits[bit_slice] = bah.fromuint(value, bit_slice, endian=self.endian) @property def shared_fifo_events(self): if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: bit_slice = self.shared_fifo_events_bits return bah.touint(self.bits[bit_slice], endian=self.endian) return None @shared_fifo_events.setter @_clears_cached_int def shared_fifo_events(self, value): if self.fifo_diagnostics_enabled: bit_slice = self.shared_fifo_events_bits self.bits[bit_slice] = bah.fromuint(value, bit_slice, endian=self.endian) @property def chip_id(self): bit_slice = self.chip_id_bits return bah.touint(self.bits[bit_slice], endian=self.endian) @chip_id.setter @_clears_cached_int @_clears_cached_chip_key def chip_id(self, value): bit_slice = self.chip_id_bits self.bits[bit_slice] = bah.fromuint(value, bit_slice, endian=self.endian) @classmethod def _basic_getter(cls, name): bit_slice = getattr(cls, name + '_bits') mask = (~(((2**cls.size)-1 << (bit_slice.stop-bit_slice.start))) & (2**cls.size)-1) def basic_getter_func(self): return (self.as_int() >> bit_slice.start) & mask return basic_getter_func @classmethod def _basic_setter(cls, name): bit_slice = getattr(cls, name + '_bits') @_clears_cached_int def basic_setter_func(self, value): self.bits[bit_slice] = bah.fromuint(value, bit_slice, endian=self.endian) return basic_setter_func
Packet_v2.packet_type = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('packet_type'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('packet_type')) Packet_v2.downstream_marker = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('downstream_marker'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('downstream_marker')) Packet_v2.parity = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('parity'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('parity')) Packet_v2.channel_id = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('channel_id'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('channel_id')) Packet_v2.dataword = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('dataword'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('dataword')) Packet_v2.first_packet = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('first_packet'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('first_packet')) Packet_v2.trigger_type = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('trigger_type'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('trigger_type')) Packet_v2.register_address = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('register_address'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('register_address')) Packet_v2.register_data = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('register_data'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('register_data')) Packet_v2.local_fifo = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('local_fifo'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('local_fifo')) Packet_v2.shared_fifo = property(Packet_v2._basic_getter('shared_fifo'),Packet_v2._basic_setter('shared_fifo'))